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Bourgeois Art Commissions in Carniola and Styria in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Century


The fact that in the last two decades, the amount of research into art patronage in Slovenia has increased significantly represents the scientific basis of the project titled Bourgeois Art Commissions in Carniola and Styria in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Century. Initially, the focus was on the studies of ecclesiastical patrons, while in the last decade, the number of studies focusing on the noble patrons increased together with the research into the history of the Slovenian aristocracy, especially in the period of the Early Modern Period. However, the commissions of the bourgeoisie that had a crucial impact on the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, in particular, remained completely overlooked. 

The goal of the present project is therefore to research bourgeois art commissions in the two central Slovenian provinces of Styria and Carniola. In this regard, various genres of visual arts (architecture, sculpture, painting, applied arts) as well as private and public commissions will be taken into account. Temporally, we will focus on the period between the Congress of Vienna or the beginning of the pre-March period (1815) and the onset of World War II (1941), during which the bourgeoisie was most active as an art commissioner. In the period under consideration, the end of World War I and the dissolution of Austria-Hungary (1918) represents a significant turning point that thoroughly changed the political and cultural reality in both provinces explored by this project. The affirmation of the bourgeoisie that gradually took over most political, economic, and cultural initiatives was characteristic of the period until 1918. As the social position of the bourgeoisie changed, its need for self-representation, also through visual arts, became more prominent as well (similarly as in the case of the nobility in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period). This need is obvious from the private commissions (villas and other types of private residences, the collection of older artworks, and commissions of paintings – portraits in particular) as well as the public ones (public buildings, especially related to culture, public monuments). As these provinces belonged to the Habsburg Monarchy for centuries, their close connections with the artistic and cultural developments in Vienna as well as in other art centres, for example in Graz and Prague (in the case of those citizens that identified as Slovenians or Slavs) are evident. Simultaneously, this was the period of the gradual emancipation of nations and the formation of political parties and parliamentary life in today’s meaning of the expression. In the last decades before World War I, these developments resulted in a significant politicisation of the public and private life, apparent especially from the Catholic-liberal and Slovenian-German conflicts. Visual arts were strongly influenced by the latter in particular.

After the dissolution of Austria-Hungary and the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia), the cultural situation in the former Styria and Carniola changed considerably. In Styria, the establishment of the new Yugoslav-Austrian border (the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1919) was of crucial importance, as it severed the centuries-old cultural connections of the Styrian citizens with Graz. Consequently, the importance of Ljubljana, which finally acquired the role of the political, economic, and cultural centre of Slovenians, increased considerably. This was also evident from the rich cultural life in the city as well as the formation of new cultural institutions (the National Gallery in 1918, the Opera in 1918, the University in 1919, the Art History Society in 1920, the Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1938, the preparations for the establishment of the Modern Gallery, etc.) as well as from many new art commissions, especially public ones. While the beginning of the 1920s was characterised by the profound optimism regarding the new political entity, which also resulted in various attempts to define what was Slovenian in the new state and Europe in general (e.g. defining Slovenian arts, attempts to create a Slovenian national artistic style), the second half of the 1920s was once again defined by the considerable politicisation of life, caused by the increasing dissatisfaction with the first Yugoslav state. The 1930s were marked by the King’s Dictatorship that pursued the unitarianisation of Yugoslavia as its goal. From the political field, the struggle for the preservation of the Slovenian elements and (at least cultural) autonomy moved to the field of culture. Meanwhile, in the visual arts, we can note many attempts at emphasising Slovenianism instead of the Yugoslavism enforced by the state (Jože Plečnik’s unrealised plans for the Slovenian Pantheon; Gojmir Anton Kos’s fresco in the Ban’s Palace; etc.).

The bourgeoisie as the leading social stratum of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century had a crucial impact on the contemporaneous arts, as due to the decline of commissions from the ranks of the nobility and the church, artists had no choice but to adapt to the taste of the bourgeoisie in terms of the artworks’ style as well as contents (iconography). It needs to be underlined that in the second half and especially at the end of the 19th century, the cities in Carniola and Styria grew significantly as the transport infrastructure improved (the construction of the railway network) and intensive industrialisation was underway. Citizens as commissioners of public and private buildings (private citizens as well as the city authorities and various institutions and societies) thus decisively influenced the architectural and artistic image of the Carniolan and Styrian cities. They also had an impact on the development of visual arts in Slovenia (e.g. by adopting or rejecting the new artistic orientations and/or concrete artists).

As we have already mentioned, rich cultural life in the broadest sense of the word is characteristic of the period of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Therefore, the art patronage of the bourgeoisie in Carniola and Styria should be analysed in the context of the broader cultural developments as well as contemporaneous political and social events. Inquiries into the art commissions of the bourgeoisie in Slovenia therefore contribute significantly to understanding the public and private life of the bourgeoisie in the Slovenian cities in general. However, they are also vital as they expand on the previous research into the political and social history of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century in Slovenia.

The goal of the project is, therefore, to explore the various aspects of bourgeois art commissions in the two central Slovenian provinces of Carniola and Styria in the period of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century (in the case of the latter, Lower Styria, which is nowadays located in Slovenia, will be underlined, albeit the cases will be analysed in the context of the historical Styria). Due to the significant scope of the topic, we have selected several case studies while striving to ensure equal representation of both historical provinces, commissions from the time of the Habsburg Monarchy as well as Yugoslavia, various art genres, as well as public and private commissions. One of the emphases of the project also focuses on the national aspect, which is why the researched art commissioners will include members of the Slovenian as well as the German-speaking community. In this manner, we aim to shed light on as many different aspects of the bourgeois art patronage in the period under consideration as possible.

Project Stages

1.    Introductory meeting of project group members - carried out October 4, 2021
2.    Archival research using primary sources in Slovenia and abroad - in progress since October 2021
3.    Fieldwork in Slovenia and abroad - in progress since October 2021 
4.    Research work in Slovenian and foreign libraries - in progress since October 2021
5.    The first presentations of the research - see the section Results
6.    An internal workshop for the project group members - carried out June 10, 2022

1.    Archival research using primary sources - in progress since October 2021
2.    Research work in Slovenian and foreign libraries - in progress since October 2021
3.    Fieldwork in Slovenia and abroad - in progress since October 2021
4.    An internal workshop - carried out June 16, 2023
5.    Publication of the first final research results - see the section Results
6.    Participation in workshops and conferences, and presentation of the project’s research results - see the section Results 
7.    Public lectures and presentations of the project’s research results - see the section Results
8.    Ongoing inclusion of the research into the pedagogical process at the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor.

1.    Publication of the case studies from the thematic fields of the entire project research by all project group members in scientific magazines and other publications; 
2.    Presentation of the results in the form of papers and lectures; 
3.    Organisation and realisation of an exhibition about the bourgeois villas in Slovenia in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century and their commissioners using digital humanities;
4.    An internal workshop;
5.    A final monograph containing the project group members’ contributions


Original scientific articles

VODOPIVEC, Barbara. Od podjetnikov do pisateljev : zgodba meščanske vile v središču Ljubljane. Umetnostna kronika. 2022, [št.] 74, str. 14-27, ilustr. ISSN 1581-7512. [COBISS.SI-ID 102649091]

LAZARINI, Franci. Nekdanje evangeličansko župnišče v Radljah ob Dravi – neznano zgodnje delo Otta Bartninga. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta. 2021/2022, 57/58, str. 323-334, 421, ilustr. ISSN 2536-3964. [COBISS.SI-ID 150669827]

KRMELJ, Vesna. France Stele, Marjan Mušič in prenova slovenske vasi. Dialogi. 2023, letn. 59, št. 1/2, str. 59-76, ilustr. ISSN 0012-2068. [COBISS.SI-ID 154393091]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Ekspresionistično obdobje revije Dom in svet v luči korespondence Franceta Steleta z Izidorjem Cankarjem. Kronika : časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, letn. 71, št. 2, str. 379-396, ilustr. ISSN 0023-4923. DOI: 10.56420/Kronika.71.2.09. [COBISS.SI-ID 155965955]

LAZARINI, Franci. France Stele in prenova arhitekturnih spomenikov. Dialogi. 2023, letn. 59, št. 1/2, str. 42-57, ilustr. ISSN 0012-2068. [COBISS.SI-ID 154393347]

LAZARINI, Franci. Plečnikova oprema župnijske cerkve sv. Cirila in Metoda za Bežigradom v Ljubljani. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, 28, št. 1, str. 197-218, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.28.1.06. [COBISS.SI-ID 167236355]

VIDMAR, Polona. Zgodovinski prizori in portreti za zdravilišče Rogaška Slatina v zgodnjem 20. stoletju. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, 28, št. 1, str. 157-196, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.28.1.05. [COBISS.SI-ID 167234307]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Beyond Dvořákʼs ‘The Last Renaissance’ : on the beginnings of Slovenian scientific art history inspired by modern art. Journal of art historiography. Dec. 2023, [no.] 29s2, 23 str. ISSN 2042-4752. [COBISS.SI-ID 174614275]

KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. V iskanju novih obrazov : o delu, poteh in meščanskih naročnikih portretista Carla Vogla (Dunaj, 27. 9. 1820 – po 1862). Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2024, 29, [št.] 2, str. 49-86, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.29.2.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 221080579]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Naročniška vizija in kulturna reprezentacija meščanstva na primeru Ljubljanskega velesejma. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2024, 29, [št.] 2, str. 151-212, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.29.2.06. [COBISS.SI-ID 221080323]

LAZARINI, Franci. Dva vladarja in njuna ljubljanska trga : Fabianijev Slovenski trg in Plečnikov Južni trg. V: VIDMAR, Polona (ur.), LAZARINI, Franci (ur.). Studio et labore, arte et humanitate : jubilejni zbornik za Marjeto Ciglenečki. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 451-472, ilustr. Opera Instituti artis historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0911-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 219359747]

LAZARINI, Franci (avtor, fotograf). Arhitektura kranjskih in štajerskih »Nemcev« v luči umetnostnih povezav s češkimi deželami. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2024, 29, št. 2, str. 87-110, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.29.2.03. [COBISS.SI-ID 221266691]

RAHTEN, Andrej. Trije politiki in umetnost : nekaj dopolnitev k biografijam Josefa Schwegla, Ivana Švegla in Antona Korošca. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2024, 29, [št.] 2, str. 135-150. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.29.2.05. [COBISS.SI-ID 220587011]

VIDMAR, Polona. Klasicistična arhitektura za mariborske proizvajalce rozolije, vinskega kamna in kavnih nadomestkov. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2024, 29, št. 2, str. 13-48, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.29.2.01. [COBISS.SI-ID 221266947]

VODOPIVEC, Barbara (avtor, fotograf). Utrjevanje meščanstva na Slovenskem konec 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja ob primeru družine Oblak z Vrhnike : prispevek družine Oblak k umetnostnemu naročništvu. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2024, 29, št. 2, str. 111-134, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.29.2.04. [COBISS.SI-ID 221265155]


Review artcle

KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. »Razodetje, na katero se je treba šele privaditi«: zgodovinska razstava slikarstva na Slovenskem (1922) : raziskave, 16. 12. 2022. Bilten Slovenskega umetnostnozgodovinskega društva. 16. dec. 2022, 41, 2, ilustr. ISSN 1855-6809. [COBISS.SI-ID 134395907]


Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

LAZARINI, Franci. Od degradacije do revitalizacije : ljubljanski grad v 19. in 20. stoletju. V: KOŠAK, Tina (ur.). Umetnostna dediščina plemstva v času njegovega zatona : transformacije, prenosi, reinterpretacije. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. Str. 525-549, ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0752-9. ISSN 2670-5958. [COBISS.SI-ID 164879619]


Scientific monograph

VIDMAR, Polona (urednik), LAZARINI, Franci (urednik). Studio et labore, arte et humanitate : jubilejni zbornik za Marjeto Ciglenečki. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. 697 str., ilustr. Opera Instituti artis historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0911-0. DOI: 10.3986/9789610509127. [COBISS.SI-ID 215015683]


Professional monographs

VODOPIVEC, Barbara. Pisateljska vila na Tomšičevi v Ljubljani. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2021. 93 str., ilustr. Umetnine v žepu, 21. ISBN 978-961-05-0573-0. ISSN 2232-3775. [COBISS.SI-ID 78913539]


Published scientific conference contribution

LAZARINI, Franci. The erection of a royal monument as a city planning opportunity : the monument to King Alexander I and Plečnik's South Square. V: ALVIŽ, Josipa (ur.). Art and the state in modern Central Europe (18th - 21st century) : [conference proceedings]. Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb: FF press, 2024. Str. 409-419, ilustr. ISBN 978-953-379-048-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 217899011]


Conference contribution

KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. V izložbenem oknu : Ivan Grohar in razstavljanje 1900–1910 = In the shop window : Ivan Grohar and exhibiting 1900–1910. V: Razstavljanje na Slovenskem II : simpozij o razstavljanju likovne umetnosti, arhitekture in oblikovanja ter o razstavnih institucijah na Slovenskem : zbornik povzetkov : 21.-22. april 2022, dvorana Mestnega muzeja, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana = Exhibiting in Slovenia II : symposium on exhibiting of art, architecture, and design, and exhibition institutions in Slovenia : book of abstract : 21-22 April 2022, Conference Hall, City Museum of Ljubljana, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani: = University of Ljubljana Press, Faculty of Arts, 2022. Str. 20, 46-47. ISBN 978-961-06-0604-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 106086403]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Vloga Ljubljanskega velesejma v razvoju razstavne dejavnosti na Slovenskem v obdobju med obema svetovnima vojnama = The role of the Ljubljana Grand Fair in the development of exhibition activity in Slovenia between the two world wars. V: Razstavljanje na Slovenskem II : simpozij o razstavljanju likovne umetnosti, arhitekture in oblikovanja ter o razstavnih institucijah na Slovenskem : zbornik povzetkov : 21.-22. april 2022, dvorana Mestnega muzeja, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana = Exhibiting in Slovenia II : symposium on exhibiting of art, architecture, and design, and exhibition institutions in Slovenia : book of abstract : 21-22 April 2022, Conference Hall, City Museum of Ljubljana, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani: = University of Ljubljana Press, Faculty of Arts, 2022. Str. 23-24, 50-51. ISBN 978-961-06-0604-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 106086659]

ISKRA, Anja. Evidence nacističnih zaplemb kot vir za raziskovanje meščanskih umetnostnih zbirk prve polovice 20. stoletja na slovenskem Štajerskem : primer zaplenjenega dvorca Ruda : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Maribor, 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111574275]

KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. Meščanski portret 19. stoletja – kontekst in identiteta v luči raziskav provenience : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111547395]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Oris umetnosti pri Slovencih v dvajsetih letih 20. stoletja in začetki Ljubljanskega velesejma : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Maribor, 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111563523]

LAZARINI, Franci. Poklon kralju Aleksandru I. in slavnim Slovencem : dva Plečnikova neuresničena državotvorna projekta iz časa šestojanuarske diktature : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Maribor, 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111569411]

VIDMAR, Polona. Slike za deželno zdravilišče Rogaška Slatina v obdobju ravnatelja Franza Mullija (1903–1919) : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111552259]

VODOPIVEC, Barbara. Od historizma do modernizma : preobrazba meščanske vile na Tomšičevi 12 v Ljubljani : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Maribor, 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111554051]

RAHTEN, Andrej. „Koroščeva galerija“ : Anton Korošec kot donator ljubljanske škofijske gimnazije : prispevek na delavnici projektne skupine "Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja", Filozoska fakulteta Univ. v Mariboru, Maribor (SLO), 10. jun. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 111638275]

LAZARINI, Franci. The mayor Juro Adlešič and architecture of Ljubljana in the late 1930s : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci Acting Institutions. Agents, Actors, and Authorities in Modern Architecture (between the 1890s and 1930s), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Dunaj (Avstrija), 10.-11. nov. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 129517827]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Beyond Dvořák’s “The Last Renaissance“ : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "The Vienna School of Art History: Origins, Modifications, and Influences of Its Theoretical Concepts: Conference III", Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga (Češka), 19.-20. apr. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 151137283]

LAZARINI, Franci. France Stele between monument protection and modern architecture : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "The Vienna School of Art History: Origins, Modifications, and Influences of Its Theoretical Concepts: Conference III", Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga (Češka), 19.-20. apr. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 151137027]

KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. Veduta kot atribut na meščanskem portretu 19. stoletja : predavanje v okviru 2. projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 16. jun. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 157098499]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Umetnostna zgodovina in sodobna umetnost na Ljubljanskem velesejmu : predavanje v okviru 2. projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 16. jun. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 157115395]

LAZARINI, Franci. »Nemci« in njihova arhitektura v kranjskih in štajerskih mestih okoli leta 1900 – izbrani primeri : predavanje v okviru 2. projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 16. jun. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 157092099]

MOHAR, Katarina. Likovni okras javne in zasebne arhitekture v Ljubljani v času med obema svetovnima vojnama : predavanje v okviru 2. projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 16. jun. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 157118467]

VODOPIVEC, Barbara. Meščanske vile v Ljubljani konec 19. in v prvi polovici 20. stoletja – trije izbrani primeri : predavanje v okviru 2. projektne delavnice Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja, ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 16. jun. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 157112579]

KRMELJ, Vesna. The reception of Ivan Meštrović's sculptures before his second exhibition in Ljubljana. V: KRAŠEVAC, Irena (ur.), PRELOG, Petar (ur.). Ivan Meštrović, Hrvatska i svijet : znanstveno-stručni skup povodom 140. obljetnice rođenja Ivana Meštrovića (1883.-1962.) : Zagreb, 26. i 27. veljače 2024. : knjiga sažetaka. Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2024. Str. 36. ISBN 978-953-373-041-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 190258691]

KRMELJ, Vesna. Sakralno v profanem : razstava Slovenska cerkev leta 1933 na Ljubljanskem velesejmu : prispevek na 3. delavnici projektne skupine "Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja", ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 24. 9. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 210569219]

KRMELJ, Vesna, LAZARINI, Franci. Slovenian cultural and architectural heritage in the context of Le Corbusier's functionalism : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "Le Corbusier in Yugoslavia and the Balkans: reception of modernist architectural postulates in the peripheral region", Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (BIH), 22.-23. sept. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 169737219]

LAZARINI, Franci. Arhitekturna naročila Nemcev na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v zadnjih desetletjih habsburške monarhije in njihove povezave s češkimi Nemci. V: DEBELJAK DURANOVIĆ, Tjaša (ur.), PETRINOVIĆ, Martina (ur.), SERAŽIN, Helena (ur.). Umetnost in meje : program simpozija s povzetki : Mednarodni simpozij in prvi trienalni posvet slovenskih umetnostnih zgodovinarjev : Posavski muzej Brežice, Viteška dvorana, 7.-9. oktober 2024. Ljubljana: Slovensko umetnostnozgodovinsko društvo: = Société Slovène d’histoire de l’art: = Slovenian Association of Art Historians, 2024. Str. 36-37. ISBN 978-961-90528-8-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 211288067]

LAZARINI, Franci. Arhitektura kranjskih in štajerskih "Nemcev" v luči umetnostnih povezav s češkimi deželami : prispevek na 3. delavnici projektne skupine "Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja", ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 24. 9. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 210566147]

MOHAR, Katarina. Ernst Ferdinand Weirand [!] Windischgrätz in Schloss Seebach na Bledu : prispevek na 3. delavnici projektne skupine "Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja", ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 24. 9. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 210568707]

RAHTEN, Andrej. O neslavnem koncu ustanove barona Schwegla : predavanje na 3. delavnici projektne skupine "Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja", ZRC SAZU - Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana (SLO), 24. sep. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 211485443]

VIDMAR, Polona. Raziskovanje arhitekture mariborskega meščanstva : prispevek na 3. delavnici projektne skupine "Meščanstvo kot umetnostni naročnik na Kranjskem in Štajerskem v 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja", ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 24. 9. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 210565379]

VIDMAR, Polona. Orientalizmi v opremi nacionalnega muzeja v Sarajevu : predavanje v okviru znanstvene delavnice "Umetnostna in raziskovalna srečevanja med Slovenijo in Bosno in Hercegovino - izzivi in priložnosti" v organizaciji Umetnostnozgodovinskega inštituta Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU in Akademije likovnih umetnosti Univerze v Sarajevu, 7. jun. 2024, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti, Sarajevo. [COBISS.SI-ID 198842371]


Professional Articles

LAZARINI, Franci. Starejša zgodovina cerkve sv. Cirila in Metoda. V: ARKO, Andraž (ur.), et al. Plečnik : živim in mrtvim : Plečnikova cerkev za Bežigradom in arhitektove vizije za območje pokopališča. Ljubljana: Brat Frančišek, 2022. Str. 7-131, ilustr., načrti. ISBN 978-961-6873-65-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 128369667]

Public lectures

LAZARINI, Franci. Neuresničeni načrti Jožeta Plečnika za Ljubljano : public lecture from the cycle of lectures "Raziskujmo preteklost Ljubljane", Mestni muzej, Ljubljana, 18 Jan. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 138844931]

LAZARINI, Franci. Ljubljanski župan dr. Juro Adlešič in njegova vloga pri arhitekturnem urejanju mesta v drugi polovici tridesetih let : predavanje v okviru cikla predavanj Slovenskega umetnostnozgodovinskega društva, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 21. nov. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 217721603]



KRMELJ, Vesna, LAZARINI, Franci. Plečnik in Stelè: risar in učenjak : občasna razstava = Plečnik and Stelè: the draughtsman and the scholar : temporary exhibition : Plečnikova hiša, Plečnik House, 20. 10. 2023-28. 1. 2024. Ljubljana: Plečnikova hiša: Plečnik House, 2023. 1 zgibanka ([6] str.), ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 169736963]


Other performed works

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija, VODOPIVEC, Barbara, NOVAK, Boris A. Pisateljska vila na Tomšičevi : pogovor z avtorico knjige Barbaro Vodopivec : predstavitev knjige na sejmu akademske knjige 2022: Obletnice - zamujene in obujene, Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana, 25. maj 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 109509123]

VODOPIVEC, Barbara, CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta. Pisateljska vila na Tomšičevi v Ljubljani : predstavitev 21. knjižice iz zbirke Umetnine v žepu, Sinagoga v Mariboru, 11. okt. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 125372419]

Research Project