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Transformations – From Material to Virtual. Digital Corpus of Mural Painting – New Dimensions of Medieval Art Research in Slovenia


The aim of the project is to establish a scientific web corpus of medieval mural painting in Slovenia titled Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi. Since a representative corpus of medieval mural painting for one entire country does not yet exist, and the Slovenian space is geographically manageable, the project group wishes to create a model corpus. Its future aim is to become thematically connected to the emerging corpuses in other countries and a part of a global, thematically interconnected all-European database of medieval mural painting. For this reason, its name is in Latin. The necessity of its making is demonstrated by numerous new findings in Slovenia as well as in the neighbouring countries that were part of a joint political and cultural territory in the Middle Ages. Furthermore, it is demonstrated by insufficient research of this area in the existing literature and in the continued progress in the research in wider European space. 
In the scope of the project, a corpus of mural paintings in Slovenia until around 1380 will be created. Later, it will be upgraded with paintings until 1500. The corpus will include initial studies, thematic maps, glossary of technical terms, and according to individual locations, the following topics: historical data, building development, state of research with bibliography, technical drawing of the murals, written and visual sources, the level of preservation, description, stylistic analysis, iconographic analysis, analysis of the entire iconographic and iconological programme, dating, authorship, patronage, circumstances of the commission, subject matter and execution specificities, technical analysis, restoration works, reception, and wider social and political analysis in the context of researching medieval art in the 20th century. Thus, the corpus will be comprised of numerous aspects of researching medieval mural paintings.
The project group consists of specialists for medieval iconography, stylistic development, social and political and patronage context, technical laboratory analyses of medieval paintings, exhibition policy, discovery, exhibition and reinterpretation of mural paintings in the 20th century, of specialists for architectural drawings of the paintings’ schemes etc. Owing to highly systematic and transparent goals, the work program is clearly structured. A special value of the proposal is that the group enjoys full support of relevant consultants from Slovenia as well as from an international advisory board of some of the most prominent European referential researchers in the field. 
The results of the project will be numerous since such an in-depth analysis, which will greatly exceed all existing ones, will bring about several new attributions, datations, reveal new connections, and new iconographic interpretations and findings connected to patronage. Moreover, the research will include a technical analysis of the paintings, while special attention will be placed on aspects that have not yet been addressed and will be offered by reception analysis. 
Since almost all members of the project group lecture at universities in Slovenia and abroad, a regular transferal of knowledge from the project to the universities will be fully ensured. A comprehensively designed corpus will open new possibilities for researching medieval art in Slovenia as well as in wider European space. 

International advisory committee, consisting of leading experts in medieval mural painting research from Slovenia and abroad: 
-    the member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Professor DDr Janez Höfler,
-    Assistant Professor Dr Janez Balažic from the University of Maribor, 
-    Dr Joanne Dyer from the British Museum London, 
-    Professor Dr Cristina Guarnieri from the University of Padua, 
-    Professor Dr Andrea de Marchi from the University of Florence, 
-    Professor Dr Manfred Koller from the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden and the former head of the restoration department of the Federal Monuments Office in Vienna, 
-    Dr Zsombor Jékely from the Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest who attained his doctorate at the Yale University, 
-    Alberto Felici from Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence,
-    Monica Galeotti from Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence.

Link to Instagram:

Link to web corpus:

Project Stages

The work in the context of the basic research project over the course of three years will be divided into six semi-annual periods. During all of the stages, the researchers will do the following:

  • engage in regular in situ fieldwork, which will include the examination of the locations with preserved murals older than ca. 1380 and relevant monuments in Slovenia and abroad with the purpose of performing a comparative analysis;
  • gather photographic documentation of the preserved mural paintings; 
  • outline the positions of paintings in the facilities at individual locations;
  • carry out regular archival research in the state, regional, and parish archives in Slovenia and abroad; 
  • examine the relevant written and pictorial documentation at the institutes tasked with preserving the cultural heritage in Slovenia and abroad;
  • regularly study the relevant expert literature in Slovenian and foreign libraries and ensure a critical analysis and synthesis of the research to date;
  • ensure the prompt creation of a digital corpus with all of the relevant contents in Slovenian and English language;
  • hold regular project group meetings; 
  • participate at national and international symposiums and conferences, give public lectures and present the research results attained in the course of the present project;
  • prepare the broader internationally-relevant results in the form of scientific articles for publication in the leading national and foreign journals; 
  • organise regular consultations with the Slovenian and international advisory committee. 

Additionally, the following activities will be carried out during the individual stages: 

STAGE 1: September 2020 – February 2021
-    introductory internal workshop of project group members and division of tasks – realized in September 2020;
-    establishment of the Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi web portal – realized in February 2021

STAGE 2: March 2021 – August 2021
-    examination of the first ten locations and preparation for the publication of the results in the online corpus – realized
-    technical analysis of the samples of medieval mural paintings in suitable laboratories – realized 

STAGE 3: September 2021 – February 2022
-    examination of another ten locations and preparation for the publication of the results in the online corpus – realized
-    technical analysis of the samples of medieval mural paintings in suitable laboratories – realized
-    internal workshop with the presentation of interim results and participation of the international advisory committee - realized in February 2022

STAGE 4: March 2022 – August 2022
-    examination of another ten locations and publication of the results in the online corpus - realized
-    organisation and realisation of an international conference in Ljubljana on medieval mural painting, the creation of medieval artistic heritage corpora, and various aspects of medieval art analysis with an international discussion about the establishment of a joint international database Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi - realized on 1 and 2 September 2022
-    technical analysis of the samples of medieval mural paintings in suitable laboratories - realized 

STAGE 5: September 2022 – February 2023
-    examination of another ten locations and publication of the results in the online corpus - realized
-    technical analysis of the samples of medieval mural paintings in suitable laboratories - realized 

STAGE 6: March 2023 – August 2024
-    examination of yet another ten locations and publication of the results in the online corpus - realized
-    final internal workshop of the project group - realized on 27th March 2024 at ZRC SAZU
-    publication of a scientific monograph - realized



OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Emilijan Cevc in raziskovanje slovenskega srednjeveškega stenskega slikarstva. Lecture at web symposium at centenary of academician Emilijan Cevc organized by SAZU and Slovenska matica, Ljubljana, 16 December 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 43118339]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Ikonografske posebnosti pri upodobitvah Judov na slovenjgraškem Pasijonu. V: VIDMAR, Polona (ur.). Umetnostna in zgodovinska srečevanja z Judi na Slovenskem, (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2020, str. 21-52, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 47279363]

TURK, Sara. Affreschi trecenteschi previtaleschi nel duomo di Udine, Il patriarcato di Aquileia. Identità, liturgia e arte secoli V-XV (ur. Zuleika Murat, Paolo Vedovetto), Roma 2021, str. 353-373. [COBISS.SI-ID 78244099]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Odsev kužnih epidemij v srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu na ozemlju današnje Slovenije. Paper at symposium "Epidemije in zdravstvo v zgodovinski perspektivi" organised by Milko Kos Historical Institute, ZRC SAZU, Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana, 14 and 15 Oct. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 81272067]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Time signs in the microcosm of Medieval cloister. Lecture at international interdisciplinary conference "Zeitkonzepte II" organised by The University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria), 4-6 Nov. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 83836675]

ISKRA, Anja. Digitalni korpus srednjeveškega stenskega slikarstva in vprašanje enakih možnosti dostopa do informacij v današnji družbi. Lecture at symposium 9. simpozij raziskovalk in raziskovalcev ZRC SAZU na začetku znanstvene poti. [COBISS.SI-ID 84808963]

BENCE Gorazd. Od Očeta do Sina v srednjeveški ikonografiji. Lecture at Zrela univerza, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Šmarje pri Jelšah, 14 December 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 92984835]

ISKRA, Anja. Likovna umetnost v Mariboru v času nemške okupacije 1941–1945. Studia Historica Slovenica : časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije. [Tiskana izd.]. 2021, letn. 21, št. 3, str. 825-857, 904, ilustr. ISSN 1580-8122. [COBISS.SI-ID 93560835]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Stal sem pred umetninami in vedel, da stojim pred človekom : srednjeveško stensko slikarstvo v raziskavah Emilijana Cevca. In: KOMELJ, Milček (ur.). Emilijan Cevc, umetnostni zgodovinar in pisatelj, (Odstiranja, ISSN 2784-4625, 3). Ljubljana: Slovenska matica. 2021, str. 49-80, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 98133507], e-version:

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Slovenian digital corpus of medieval mural painting. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 98974723]

ISKRA, Anja. Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi and the questions of digital art history. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 98974979]

BERNIK, Nejc. Challenges and problems in preparing schematic drawings of wall paintings. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 98975235]

BENCE, Gorazd. Zur trinitarischen Ikonographie des Paternitas Typus. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 98975491]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper. The iconographical program of the Vrzdenec wall paintings from the first half of the 14th century. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 99366147]

TURK, Sara. Between linear style, Byzantine tradition, and giottesque innovations. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 99448579]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Technical and material aspects of mural paintings. Lecture at international workshop Medieval Murals in Virtual Space organised by France Stele Institute of Art History and  Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Zoom conference, 25 Feb. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 99397891]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Jews in fifteenth-century passion cycle. V: KRAVTSOV, Sergey R. (ur.), VIDMAR, Polona (ur.). Jewish-Slavic cultural horizons : essays on Jewish history and art in Slavic lands, (Jews and Slavs, ISSN 1580-1985, vol. 27). 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. 2022, str. 133-155, 477-478, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 102364163]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Zeitzeichen im Mikrokosmos des mittelalterlichen Kreuzgangs in der Zisterzienserabtei Stična/Sittich. V: Zeitkonzepte II : wie verändert sich Zeitbeobachtung unter besonderen Bedingungen und veränderten Voraussetzungen?, (Codices manuscripti & impressi, ISSN 0379-3621, Supplementum, 19). Purkersdorf: Brüder Hollinek. 2022, suppl. 19, str. 93-108, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 111808515]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Inscriptions on medieval architecture in Slovenia : predavanje na znanstvenem posvetovanju Communication in Politics and Knowledge: Letters - Languages - Scripts and Cyphers v organizaciji Univerze na Dunaju in Univerze v Salernu, 1. jul. 2022, Dunaj. [COBISS.SI-ID 113779715]

ISKRA, Anja. Behind the scenes of creating a digital corpus of medieval mural paintings in Slovenia : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120273411]

MOHAR, Katarina. Yugoslav exhibitions of medieval art : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120277251]

BERNIK, Nejc. The process of preparation of schematic drawings and its implementation in digital corpus of medieval wall paintings : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120272643]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi : building a digital corpus of medieval wall paintings : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120272387]

BENCE, Gorazd. Wall paintings in the Church of St Jodocus (Rovt pod Menino) : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120274691]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper. The Zig-zag Style (Zacken Stil) in Eastern Alps : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120252931]

TURK, Sara. Mural paintings in the church of Saint Maurus in Arcano Superiore (Friuli, Italy) : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120261891]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Analysis of materials and painting techniques of mediaeval mural paintings until 1380 in Slovenia : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120258563]

ISKRA, Anja. Nazi instrumentalization of medieval art in the occupied territory of present-day Slovenia : lecture at the International Zoom conference Corpus picturarum muralium medii aevi, 1-2 September 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 120275715]

TURK, Sara. Freske iz prve polovice 14. stoletja v cerkvi sv. Mihaela v Biljani. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, 27, [št.] 2, str. 21-44, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.27.2.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 124596227]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Zeit vom Ende her denken - Memento mori in der mittelalterlichen Wandmalerei Sloweniens : predavanje na mednarodni interdisciplinarni konferenci "Zeit, die bleibt (Giorgio Agamben): Zeit vom Ende her denken! Apokalypse - Geschichte - Erfahrungswissen - Klimawandel aus der Sicht der Astronomie, der Medizin, der Theologie, der Germanistik, der Musik und der Geschichte", Universität Wien, Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2.-3. feb. 2023, Dunaj. [COBISS.SI-ID 140701443]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Style, painting procedures, techniques and materials as tools for the attribution of selected mural paintings in Eastern Europe (beginning of 15th century). V: XXIInd Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting : ‘Alla maniera’ : technical art history and the meaning of style in 15th to 17th century painting : online, 28-30 March 2022 : [book of abstracts]. [S. l.: s. n., 2022]. Str. 11. [COBISS.SI-ID 116950275]
KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Material and technical analysis as a support for art-historical characterization of selected mural paintings in Austria around 1400. V: 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology : 28th June - 1st July 2022, Paris. [S. l.: s. n., 2022]. Str. [70]. [COBISS.SI-ID 116828675]
KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Materials and techniques of selected mural paintings in Central-Eastern Europe from the end of the 14th century : lecture on the lnternational Conference The Traces of the Colorful Souls: Visual & Material Arts in the Chromatic Middle Ages, held at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, on March 2 to March 4, 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 100625667]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper. Srednjeveška fragmenta Živega križa in Pohoda sv. Treh kraljev v Topolšici : novoodkrito delo t. i. vojvodske delavnice. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta. 2021-2022, 57/58, str. . 95-104, ilustr. ISSN 2536-3964. [COBISS.SI-ID 153592323]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper (avtor, fotograf). Gotske poslikave v cerkvi sv. Mihaela v Šmihelu = I dipinti gotici nella chiesa di S. Michele a Šmihel. V: KOLENC, Petra (ur.). Srednjeveška cerkev sv. Mihaela v Šmihelu in vpliv gotskih tokov na Goriškem : ob 550-letnici prve omembe cerkve sv. Mihaela v Šmihelu. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. Str. 56-83, fotogr. ISBN 978-961-05-0727-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 151980803]

ISKRA, Anja. Kulturna politika in likovna umetnost v Mariboru v času nemške okupacije 1941–1945 : predavanje v organizaciji Umetnostnozgodovinskega inštituta Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU in Slovenskega umetnostnozgodovinskega društva, Dvorana štirih letnih časov SAZU, Ljubljana, 25. maj 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 154398979]

TURK, Sara. Izgubljene, pozabljene in novo odkrite srednjeveške stenske poslikave iz nekdanje cerkve in samostana sv. Frančiška v Kopru. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta. 2021-2022, 57/58, str. 61-81, ilustr. ISSN 2536-3964. [COBISS.SI-ID 154349827]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Avtorstvo stenskih poslikav, pripisanih Janezu Aquili, na osnovi materialne karakterizacije ometov in slikarskih tehnik. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta. 2021-2022, 57/58, str. 83-93, ilustr. ISSN 2536-3964. [COBISS.SI-ID 154624771]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Epitaf Jurija Ravbarja : razrešena uganka nagrobne freske s konca 15. stoletja v stiški cerkvi. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta. 2021/2022, 57/58, str. 155-166, 414, ilustr. ISSN 2536-3964. [COBISS.SI-ID 150446083]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper, VIDMAR, Luka. Ponovno o stavbni zgodovini cerkve sv. Miklavža na Godešiču in ikonografiji poslikave njene zahodne fasade. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, 28, [št.] 1, str. 69-99, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.28.1.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 165494787]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Srednjeveška stavbna zgodovina kapele sv. Jakoba v Konjicah : analiza arhivskih virov, arhitekture, stenskih poslikav in stavbne plastike. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, 28, št. 1, str. 7-67, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.28.1.01. [COBISS.SI-ID 167063811]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper. Mojster Bolfgang iz Crngroba in vprašanje regionalnosti stenskega slikarstva druge polovice 15. stoletja na Kranjskem : predavanje na umetnostnozgodovinskemi kolokviju z naslovom Periferija ali regionalni centri? Tri stoletja umetnosti med Srednjo Evropo in Jadranom (1400–1700), Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti Ljubljana, 14.-15. september 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 174929667]

CERKOVNIK, Gašper. Upodobitve in portreti Jurija Slatkonje v zgodnjem novem veku. V: ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC, Lilijana (ur.), KOKOLE, Metoda (ur.). Jurij Slatkonja (1456-1522) : od Kranjske do Dunaja. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. Str. 145-154, ilustr. Odstiranja, 9. ISBN 978-961-05-0789-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 179768579]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. The Counts of Cilli and the Habsburgs as supporters of monasteries through the prism of their artistic representation. V: PREINFALK, Miha (ur.), OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Od Rudolfa do Maksimilijana : vzpon Habsburžanov v vzhodnoalpskem prostoru (1273–1526) : [Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, 19.–20. oktober 2023 : program simpozija in povzetki referatov] = From Rudolf to Maximilian : the rise of the Habsburgs in the Eastern Alpine area (1273–1526) : [Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, 19–20 October 2023 : conference programme and abstract booklet]. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. Str. 27. ISBN 978-961-05-0781-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 169737987]

BERNIK, Nejc. Analiza in nova dognanja v metodologiji izdelave shematskih risb srednjeveških stenskih poslikav : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190944003]

FURLAN, Andrej. Terenska fotodokumentacija srednjeveških fresk med analogno tradicijo in digitalno postprodukcijo : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190944771]

BENCE, Gorazd. Nova spoznanja ob terenskih raziskavah srednjeveških stenskih poslikav v severovzhodni Sloveniji : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190947843]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle. Pigmenti in njihove kemične spremembe na izbranih srednjeveških poslikavah v severovzhodni Sloveniji : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190946819]

MOHAR, Katarina. Srednjeveške freske iz Slovenije na jugoslovanskih razstavah v tujini : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190951939]

DUH, Nike. Pisni in likovni viri 19. in začetka 20. stoletja za raziskovanje srednjeveškega stenskega slikarstva do leta 1380 na obmučju Slovenije : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190951171]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Izzivi in perspektive digitalnega korpusa srednjeveških stenskih poslikav : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190942211]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. O prvi plasti poslikave v kapeli Turjaškega gradu : predavanje v okviru zaključne delavnice projekta "Transformacije - iz materialnega v virtualno. Digitalni korpus stenskega slikarstva - nove razsežnosti raziskav stenskega slikarstva v Sloveniji" z naslovom "Nova odkritja o srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji: rezultati in perspektive digitalnega korpusa", ZRC SAZU, Dvorana štirih letnih časov, Ljubljana, 27. mar. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 190948611]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle, KAVKLER, Katja, DOLENEC, Sabina. Why are the Early Gothic murals in St. Jacob’s Church in Ormož, Slovenia, almost entirely black?. Spectroscopy journal. 2024, vol. 2, issue 2, str. 37-52, ilustr. ISSN 2813-446X., DOI: 10.3390/spectroscj2020003. [COBISS.SI-ID 192444419]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Kužne slike v srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu Slovenije. V: KEBER, Katarina (ur.), BRATOŽ, Urška. Epidemije in zdravstvo : zgodovinski pogled. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 75-129, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-05-0808-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 195900931]

MOHAR, Katarina, OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. New dimensions of medieval mural research in Slovenia : bridging the gap between the material, the virtual, and AI. V: 36e Congrès du Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art : Matière matérialité = 36th Congress of the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art : Matter materiality : programme : 23 – 28 juin 2024, Centre de Congrès de Lyon = June 23 – 28, 2024,Lyon Convention Centre. [Lyon: s. n.], 2024. Str. 143. [COBISS.SI-ID 200185091]

BENCE, Gorazd. Sv. Jurij - kavopivec : predavanje v okviru znanstvene delavnice "Umetnostna in raziskovalna srečevanja med Slovenijo in Bosno in Hercegovino - izzivi in priložnosti" v organizaciji Umetnostnozgodovinskega inštituta Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU in Akademije likovnih umetnosti Univerze v Sarajevu, 7. jun. 2024, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti, Sarajevo. [COBISS.SI-ID 198980355]

DUH, Nike. New findings about medieval wall paintings in Slovenia : research of documentary material from 1850 to 1914. V: Középkorral foglalkozó doktoranduszok konferenciája = Medieval Studies Doctoral Conference : 2024. junius 20-21., [ELTE BTK Kari Tanácsterem, Budapest]. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 66-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 200776707]

KRIŽNAR, Anabelle, KAVKLER, Katja, DOLENEC, Sabina. Analysis of the materials and painting techniques used in medieval mural paintings in Slovenia up to 1380. V: OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 123-144, ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 207523587]

MOHAR, Katarina. Slovenian frescoes at Yugoslav medieval art exhibitions during the 1950s. V: OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 307-345, ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508849_012. [COBISS.SI-ID 206700035]

BENCE, Gorazd. The hunt for the miraculous stag or St Giles's hind? : on the iconography of the mural painting of the nave of the old parish church in Turnišče, Slovenia. V: OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 175-200, ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508847_007. [COBISS.SI-ID 206696707]

TURK MAROLT, Sara. Mural paintings from the 14th century in the church of Saint Maurus in Arcano Superiore (Friuli, Italy). V: OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 101-122, ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 207523075]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. New discoveries about the murals in the chapel of Turjak Castle, Slovenia. V: OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 223-271, ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508847_009. [COBISS.SI-ID 206699011]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches : preface = Srednjeveške stenske poslikave : nove perspektive in raziskovalni pristopi : predgovor. V: OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (ur.). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 7-10, 11-14. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508847_000. [COBISS.SI-ID 206544643]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija (urednik, lektor). Medieval murals : new perspectives and research approaches. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. 345 str., ilustr. Opera Instituti Artis Historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0883-0. DOI: 10.3986/9789610508847. [COBISS.SI-ID 204012803]

OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Upodobitve sv. Marjete Antiohijske v srednjeveškem stenskem slikarstvu v Sloveniji. V: VIDMAR, Polona (ur.), LAZARINI, Franci (ur.). Studio et labore, arte et humanitate : jubilejni zbornik za Marjeto Ciglenečki. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 55-107, fotogr. Opera Instituti artis historiae. ISBN 978-961-05-0911-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 218663427]

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