Exhibiting of Art and Architecture between Artistic and Ideological Concepts. Case Study of Slovenia, 1947–1979
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Katarina Mohar, PhD-
Original Title
Likovno in arhitekturno razstavljanje med umetnostnimi in ideološkimi koncepti. Primer Slovenije, 1947–1979
Project Team
doc. dr. Asta Vrečko , asist. dr. Martina Malešič , doc. dr. Nika Grabar, asist. Miha Valant, asist. Gregor Dražil-
Project ID
1 October 2021–1 October 2024 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Izr. prof. Beti Žerovc, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta
Financial Source
The main topic of the project is the research of the history of art exhibitions in Slovenia in the context of second Yugoslavia. The selected period is defined by two prominent exhibitions that symbolically mark this stretch of time, since they reflect their historic situation through their organisation, selected works of art, and reception. At the same they both deserve attention also as standalone artistic manifestations. The first one is the Exhibition of Soviet Painters, which was set up in 1947 in then still not officially opened venue of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. The exhibition, which travelled across Yugoslavia and countries of the Eastern Bloc, can be seen as a valuable document for the research of the short period when Yugoslav art tried to emulate the Soviet art model. That ended in June 1948 when the cooperation between the two countries was formally interrupted with the expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Cominform. The exhibition, which was supposed to serve as a model for the art of socialist realism, was largely dismissed by artists and critics at the time.
The second milestone is the exhibition Slovenian Fine Art 1945–1978 held in 1979, and organised in the cooperation of the Museum of Modern Art and the Architecture Museum of Ljubljana. With the attempt of cataloguing the art of the period in question and with the specific selection of the works, the exhibition served as a survey of Slovenian modernist art and symbolically prepared the terrain for the new chapter. The death of the President Tito in 1980 was followed by radical political changes. Alongside this, the period of the 1980s also brought important changes to the art discourse and artistic activity, as well as new developments in the field of exhibitions and institutionalisation of art.
Implementation plan and timetable
The project will investigate the selected exhibitions in the period between 1947 and 1979. We will be interested in what, besides the exhibited artworks, shaped exhibitions in this period. We will look behind the scenes of development of selected exhibitions. Through archival materials, interviews (where possible), existing literature and comparative analysis, and by positioning them in the context of actual social circumstances we will reconstruct the development of these exhibitions and trace the decision-making process shaping the exhibition programme in certain institutions, their financing and purpose.
The impact of the social and political situation and changes in the understanding of Slovenia's own national entity and its position in the context of the federation, and further in the international context was profoundly felt in the organisation of large-scale international, state-wide, and national exhibitions in the framework of the former Yugoslavia. An insight into the structure of these events and their analysis can therefore contribute to new findings in the understanding of the studied period and its art. With the critical and in depth review of the exhibitions we will therefore try to answer the following questions:
• How do exhibitions reflect changes in politics and society?
• How do exhibitions co-shape the presentation of Slovenian art abroad (particularly in the context of Yugoslav art)?
• What kind exhibitions of foreign art come to Slovenia, how are they received and what is their impact?
• What is the comprehensive meaning of exhibiting for the development of Slovenian art and culture?
The research will thus bring some concrete answers about the situation in Slovenia, also in the context of the broader Yugoslav umbrella. Broadly speaking, it will contribute to the understanding of the role of exhibition as a medium in artistic and social processes as well as the impact of political frameworks on the medium of exhibiting, and through this prism also on the art in general.metnost.
The project will investigate the selected exhibitions in the period between 1947 and 1979. We will be interested in what, besides the exhibited artworks, shaped exhibitions in this period. We will look behind the scenes of development of selected exhibitions. Through archival materials, interviews (where possible), existing literature and comparative analysis, and by positioning them in the context of actual social circumstances we will reconstruct the development of these exhibitions and trace the decision-making process shaping the exhibition programme in certain institutions, their financing and purpose.
I. Database and theoretical groundwork
WP 1 constitutes the backbone of the entire research and takes place for the entire duration of the project, most intensively at the beginning of the project. In part one, it will focus on the selection and research of selected exhibitions. We will gather information on exhibitions in the studied period in archives, press clipping collections and in daily press. The material compiled in will serve as the basis for the development of thematic clusters and analyses.
II. Exhibitions of Slovenian art in the framework of Yugoslav presentations abroad
In WP 2 we will concentrate on the exhibitions that presented Slovenian art as part of Yugoslav presentations. We will be interested in how the state’s ideology was translated into its foreign policy and cultural diplomacy, and how the state employed the medium of exhibition in this process. We will try to establish how strong the presence of Slovenian artists was within these pan-Yugoslav presentations and the significance of their contribution. The inevitable question that follows is how the concept of Yugoslav art developed and what place Slovenian art occupied within it.
III. International exhibitions in Slovenia
In WP 3 we will focus on the international exhibitions. International exhibitions are defined as those that featured mainly non-Yugoslav artists. Based on the preliminary research we can roughly estimate that they were (i) organised as travelling exhibitions from abroad, (ii) developed in collaboration with international institutions, or (iii) organised at the initiative of Slovenian institutions or directors.
WP 4: Synthesis of results
In the last work package we will put the collected material and analyses of studied exhibitions into a wider context of international activity and collaboration of Slovenian culture and arts with their foreign counterparts. We will try to identify the role of studied exhibitions in different periods in Slovenian cultural policy within Yugoslavia in terms of the changing social, economic, and political circumstances.