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Profano v sakralnem. Študije o vizualizaciji posvetnih teženj in motivov v sakralni umetnosti.

Edited by: Mija Oter Gorenčič
Year: 2019

The publication brings to light new research findings from nine authors, whose contributions intertwine and complement one another. The studies illustrate the phenomenon of the intertwinement of the profane and the sacred in the field of art from the Middle Ages to the 20th century from different methodological and contextual sources. The book substantially expands our knowledge and understanding of profane influences in sacral art and sacred motifs in profane spaces. Consequently, it greatly contributes to the unveiling of the reasons for patronage, and to the understanding of the wider social function of artworks. The papers give an insight into the patronage background of chosen works of art and the diversity of reasons that led the patrons in their decision to include profane contents in sacred spaces and vice versa. The texts especially point out aspects of these artworks that have not yet received much attention, especially in connection to their function and wider social role. The studies open new perspectives in the understanding of the background of the artworks’ origin, the interests of profane individuals in sacred contents and the interests of Church representatives for profane motifs in sacred spaces.
The book serves as an important contribution to the research of patronage, the complex contexts of the origins of chosen artworks, iconography and the knowledge of the social and political function of monuments and works of art.

Table of content


Predgovor urednice

Mija Oter Gorenčič: (Ne)sakralni motivi na obočni poslikavi iz prve polovice 14. stoletja v stiškem križnem hodniku
(Non-)Religious Motifs on the Vault Paintings from the First Half of the 14th Century in the Cistercian Cloister in Stična

Gorazd Bence: /…/ die für uns bitten sollen heimlich und offentlich /…/. Memorialnost timpanona grofov Celjskih
/…/ die für uns bitten sollen heimlich und offentlich /…/. The Tympanum of the Counts of Celje and its Memorial Aspect

Renata Komić Marn: Upodobitev lisjaka romarja v cerkvi sv. Urha pri Maršičih v evropskem kontekstu. Ikonografski, likovni in zgodovinski viri
The Fresco of a Fox-Pilgrim in the Church of Saint Ulrich at Maršiči and Its European Context. Iconographic, Visual and Historical Evidence

Blaž Resman: »Podpisi« svetnih naročnikov na sakralnih umetninah
The “Signatures” of Secular Commissioners on Works of Sacred Art

Tina Košak: Od upodobitev mesecev do cvetličnih šopkov. Profane slike v rezidencah cistercijanov in kartuzijanov na Slovenskem po samostanskih inventarjih
From Months and Seasons to Flower Still Lifes. Paintings of Secular Subjects in the Cistercian Abbeys and Charterhouses in Slovenia in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Polona Vidmar: /…/ weilen es in der Welt was Seltsames sei bei dieser. Zeit eine andächtige Seel zu finden, die ein Kloster stiften wollte. Marija Terezija grofica Leslie in ustanovitev samostana elizabetink v Gradcu
/…/ weilen es in der Welt was Seltsames sei bei dieser. Zeit eine andächtige Seel zu finden, die ein Kloster stiften wollte. Maria Theresia Countess of Leslie and the Founding of the Convent of the Order of the Sisters of St. Elisabeth in Graz

Ana Lavrič: Narodni svetniki v slovenski umetnosti. Ikonografski programi in družbenopolitični kontekst
National Saints in Slovenian Art. Iconographic programmes and the socio-political context

Katarina Mohar: Gradnja cerkva na Slovenskem v prvih desetletjih po drugi svetovni vojni. Primer cerkve sv. Lucije v Dražgošah
Construction of Churches in Slovenia in the First Decades after the Second World War. The Case of Church of Saint Lucy in Dražgoše


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art history
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