Artwork as Reflection of Knowledge and Networking. The Role of Education and Social Connectedness of Artists and Patrons in the Late Middle-Ages and Early-Modern Times
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Assoc. Prof. Mija Oter Gorenčič, PhD, , UIFS ZRC SAZU-
Original Title
Umetnina kot odsev znanja in povezovanja. Pomen izobrazbe in družbene vpetosti umetnikov in naročnikov v poznem srednjem in zgodnjem novem veku
Project Team
Ana Lavrič, PhD, Blaž Resman, PhD, Helena Seražin, PhD, Boris Golec, PhD, Gorazd Bence, PhD, Andrea (Andrej) Furlan, MA, dr. Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec, FF UL, Miha Kosi, PhD-
Project ID
ARRS, J6-9439
1 July 2018–30 June 2022 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
Milko Kos Historical Institute ZRC SAZU
The proposed project's central research question concerns the role of education and broader social integration of artists and art patrons in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period on the territory of present-day Slovenia. To enable a comprehensive insight into the topic several case studies are conducted within the project. Geographically they will cover the entire Slovenian territory and include all key aspects necessary for a thorough understanding of the research question.
In research of the medieval period, the role of family and other social connections of the exceptionally influential Berthold of Andechs, the patriarch of Aquileia, is analysed from the perspective of his decision about the architectural layout of the church of St. Pancras at Grad nad Starim trgom pri Slovenj Gradcu. Focus will also be given to researching the influence of the contacts established by the Counts of Cilli with the most important European political representatives – members of confraternities and similar societies – on their art patronage. The project will also research the role of individuals from the region of Kamnik who were educated at the universities in Italy and Vienna and became active as art patrons after their return home; they were responsible for one of the most important early 16th century artworks in Slovenia, the frescos in the church at Sv. Primož nad Kamnikom.
Research of the Modern Period focuses on the significance of artists' and patrons' study trips, academies, confraternities and guilds as patrons of art. Particular attention is given to artistic endeavours of guild associations in the Coastal region and in Prekmurje, which have not been sufficiently researched yet, as well as to the Modern Period academies on the territories of Central Slovenia, specifically their less studied aspects. The project will also represent the first research into art patronage of local guilds in the Prekmurje region. Systematic research of guild commissions at the Coast also promises to bring exciting new findings. The studies will present a more thorough overview of artistic life and activities of local artists and patrons, which will significantly contribute to a wider knowledge about the globally important Venetian art. of the Modern Period academies and their important societies of intellectuals concentrates on the artistic activities of the thus far overlooked or not sufficiently acknowledged members of Academia operosorum, Society of St. Dismas and several other (also Jesuit) confraternities. The research also focuses on collecting data on the educational history and clerical appointments of archdeacons and several other representatives of the higher clergy, who were involved with artworks in the period between the 15th and 17th centuries.
New findings will greatly contribute to the understanding of the creation of artworks and their religious, political and societal function. The role of the patrons' and artists' education, their study trips and social networks will be assessed for the first time. As the contexts in which individual artworks were created will be connected in an original way, the findings will be of extraordinary importance not only for Slovenian art historical discipline, but also for several other humanistic disciplines in the broader (Central) European space. As research will include several key Slovenian high-quality artworks, the significance of its findings will be even greater. Analyses of the wide context of creation of artworks and of the complex circumstances surrounding patronage will also reveal the influence of these important artworks on their local surroundings. Numerous primary sources have not yet been considered in research of confraternities', guilds' and academies' activity and study trips of artists and patrons. The project team is made up of leading researchers of art history for the fields covered by the project, and by two of the leading historians specializing in research of archival sources of the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period.
- Kick-off meeting of project team members – carried out in September 2018
- Archival research work with primary sources in Slovenia and abroad – in progress since July 2018
- Field work and documentation of art monuments in Slovenia and abroad – in progress since July 2018
- Research work in Slovenian libraries and abroad – in progress since July 2018
- First presentations of the research – in progress
- Internal workshop of project team members - realized in February 2019
- Archival research work with primary sources – in progress since July 2019
- Research work in Slovenian libraries and abroad – in progress since July 2019
- Field work and documentation of art monuments in Slovenia and abroad – in progress since July 2019
- Internal workshop – realized in January 2020
- Publication of the first final results of the research (see the section Bibliographical references)
- Participation at workshops and conferences with the presentation of results of the research conducted within the project (see the section Results)
- Research that will be carried out within the project will be simultaneously included in working with students at the Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor
- Publication of representative studies about the topics researched within the project by all members of the project group in scientific journals and other publications (see the section Results)
- Presentation of results in the form of papers and lectures (see the section Results)
- Co-organization and execution of an exhibition about the guilds in Prekmurje as art commissioners - realized
- Final moograph with articles written by members of the project team - AHAS 27/1, 2022
- Internal workshop – realized in December 2020
- Internal workshop – realized in December 2021
Mija OTER GORENČIČ. Nekaj doslej spregledanih srednjeveških kodeksov iz slovenskih kartuzij, Umetnostna kronika, 59, 2018, pp. 5–17.
Mija OTER GORENČIČ. Pro remedio et pro salute animae nostrae. Memoria v srednjeveškem umetnostnem okrasju cisterce v Stični kot odsev tesne povezanosti s plemstvom. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 23/1, 2018, pp. 25–68.
Mija OTER GORENČIČ. Auf den Spuren der Rosenkranzbruderschaft, Albrecht Dürers und zweier Kaiser in den Fresken von St. Primus oberhalb Kamnik. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 23/2, 2018, pp. 51–74.
Mija OTER GORENČIČ, Architecture as a Testament of Devotion: Berthold of Andechs's Church Commission as Manifestation of his Worship od St Elisabeth of Thuringia, lecture at the Leeds International Medieval Congress, 1–4 July 2019, Leeds, GB. [COBISS.SI-ID 44905773]
Boris GOLEC. Višnjegorski slikarji 17. in 18. stoletja, njihovo socialno in naročniško okolje: Frančišek Karel (Francesco) Faenzi, Franc Faenzi, Janez Jakob Menhard (Mönhardt), Jakob Killer, Karel Ludvik
Gentilli, Peter Straspurger, Franc Anton Nirenberger, Franc Ksaver Nirenberger, Anton Nirenberger. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 24/1, 2019, pp. 37–81 [COBISS.SI-ID 44969005]
Helena SERAŽIN. The Role of Ambassadors in Recruiting Italian Artists and Architects for the Imperial Court or How Andrea Palladio almost Ended Up at the Habsburg Court, lecture at the International conference The Migration Artists andArchitects in Central Europe and Northern Europe 1560–1900. Art Akademy of Latvia ( (Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija) , 26–28 September 2019, Riga, Latvia.
Mija OTER GORENČIČ, Des comtes de Celje aux ducs de Bourgogne, des alliances politiques au chapitre général, du décor sculpté à la propagande artistique, lecture at the international conference on the carthusiam studies, organized by CERCOR centre (Centre Européen de Recherche sur les Communautés, Congrégations et Ordres Religieux), Univerza Saint Etienne, 23–24 October 2019, Saint Etienne, France.
Lilijana ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC. Širše sorodstvene, prijateljske in interesne mreže, chapter in scientific monograph Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec, Kariere duhovnikov na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku. Vzvodi, okoliščine, (samo)reprezentacija, Ljubljana 2019 (Thesaurus memoriae. Opuscula, 9), pp. 35–51 [COBISS.SI-ID 301675776]
Lilijana ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC. Sposobnosti, izobrazba, izkušnje, chapter in scientific monograph Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec, Kariere duhovnikov na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku. Vzvodi, okoliščine, (samo)reprezentacija, Ljubljana 2019 (Thesaurus memoriae. Opuscula, 9), pp. 51–70 [COBISS.SI-ID 301675776]
Lilijana ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC. Mnoge sledi bratovščine sv. Mihaela v Mengšu pri nastanku poslikav Franca Jelovška, Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 25/1, 2020, pp. 81–102 [COBISS.SI-ID 21933571]
Boris GOLEC. Najzgodnejše omembe umetnikov v slovenskem jeziku : Ljubljanska oklicna knjiga 1737-1759 kot vir za slovensko umetnostno zgodovino, Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 25/1, 2020, pp. 63–79 [COBISS.SI-ID 21569027]
Ana LAVRIČ. Bratovščine v klariških samostanih na Kranjskem : njihova umetnostna in duhovna dediščina, Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 25/1, 2020, pp. 27–62 [COBISS.SI-ID 23207427]
Miha KOSI, Boris HAJDINJAK. "Grbovna knjiga" gradu Turjak : umetnina kot odsev plemiške identitete, chapter in scientific monograph Grad Turjak (eds. Miha Preinfalk, Mija Oter Gorenčič, Renata Komić Marn), Ljubljana 2020 (Castellologica Slovenica, 2), pp. 313–350 [COBISS.SI-ID 20837123]
Miha KOSI. Gospodje Turjaški in plemiški svet na jugovzhodu cesarstva (12.–15. stoletje), chapter in scientific monograph Grad Turjak (eds. Miha Preinfalk, Mija Oter Gorenčič, Renata Komić Marn), Ljubljana 2020 (Castellologica Slovenica, 2), pp. 89–146 [COBISS.SI-ID 20836355]
Mija OTER GORENČIČ. Cesarski viteški red sv. Jurija in Turjaški. Nove možnosti interpretacije umetnostnega dela kot rezultat uporabe različnih metodoloških pristopov, chapter in scientific monograph Grad Turjak (eds. Miha Preinfalk, Mija Oter Gorenčič, Renata Komić Marn), Ljubljana 2020 (Castellologica Slovenica, 2), pp. 149–187 [COBISS.SI-ID 20039683]
Mija OTER GORENČIČ. Po umetnostnih sledeh srednjeveških Auerspergov, chapter in scientific monograph Grad Turjak (eds. Miha Preinfalk, Mija Oter Gorenčič, Renata Komić Marn), Ljubljana 2020 (Castellologica Slovenica, 2), pp. 381–452 [COBISS.SI-ID 20182787]
Mija OTER GORENČIČ, Iconographic Motif of a Standing Mary Holding Crucified Christ in Her Hands, lecture at the international conference Salve Regina. New Approaches on Marian Devotion from the Middle Ages to the Council of Trent, 28–30 September 2020, Venice, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Aula Baratto
Ana LAVRIČ, Umetnostna dediščina cerkvenih združb v tržiški župniji. Kronika : časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino. 2020, letn. 68, št. 3, str. 707-740, ilustr. ISSN 0023-4923. [COBISS.SI-ID 40798723], [SNIP]
SERAŽIN, Helena. Cobenzl and architecture : castles and manors in the county of Gorizia and in Carniola : predavanje na ICM International Annual Meeting - 55 Mitteleuropean Cultural Meeting "Gorizia at the heart of Europe. The Cobenzls: statesmen, diplomats and patrons at the service of the Habsburgs", Gorizia, 4th-5th December 2020 (online). [COBISS.SI-ID 42365955]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija, Women as benefactors and art patrons in male Medieval Cistercian and Carthusian monasteries in present-day Slovenia, lecture at international web conference "Remarkable women: female patronage of religious institutions, 1300–1550" organized by The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, 29 January 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 50530307]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Kartuzija Jurklošter, (Umetnine v žepu, 19). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2021. 95 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-05-0511-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 47090947]
LAVRIČ, Ana. Respice finem! : smrt in vice v umetnosti baročnih bratovščin na Slovenskem, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89413123]
SERAŽIN, Helena. Umetnostno naročništvo cehovskih združenj na Obali, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89208067]
SERAŽIN, Helena. Vloga diplomantov Univerze v Padovi pri gradnji koprske stolnice, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89414147]
GOLEC, Boris. Člani Dizmove bratovščine po letu 1720 in naročništvo umetnostnih del, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89188867]
BENCE, Gorazd. So člani cehovskih združenj tudi v Prekmurju nastopali kot naročniki umetnostnih del?, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89413379]
ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC, Lilijana. Prispevek k raziskavam socialnih in študijskih povezav cerkvenih naročnikov umetnostnih del na Slovenskem v zgodnjem novem veku : primer Valentina Fabrija (u. 1509) in Nikolaja Kiša (u. ok. 1720), lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89415683]
KOSI, Miha. Grofje Celjski v evropskih grbovnih knjigah, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89188611]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Grofje Celjski in Velika Marijina bratovščina na Dravskem polju, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89207811]
RESMAN, Blaž. Jezuitske bratovščine : njihova umetnostna naročila in umetniki med njihovimi člani, lecture at project workshop Ars longa, vita brevis "Vloga znanja in povezovanja v umetnosti srednjega in zgodnjega novega veka", Mala dvorana ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 9 Dec. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89733123]
BENCE, Gorazd. Katarina Elizabeta baronica Raumschüssl, rojena Sauer, in njena loretska kapela pri celjskih minoritih. Studia Historica Slovenica, 21/3, 2021, str. 619-654. [COBISS.SI-ID 92984579]
GOLEC, Boris. Kamnoseki v slovenski oklicni knjigi ljubljanske stolne župnije iz srede 18. stoletja. Umetnostna kronika, ISSN 1581-7512, 2021, [Št.] 73, str. 2-14, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 93552131]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Seeing God in the image of Mary : cross readings of a Medieval Benedictine convent seal. V: ZNOROVSZKY, Andrea-Bianka (ur.), JARITZ, Gerhard (ur.). Marian devotion in the late Middle Ages : image and performance, (Studies in medieval history and culture). London; New York: Routledge. 2022, str. 31-51, ilustr., doi: 10.4324/9781003179054-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 104326659]
ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC, Lilijana. Študijske in osebne vezi članov "nemške nacije" iz slovenskih dežel na univerzah v Padovi in Bologni v drugi polovici 16. stoletja. Zgodovinski časopis : glasilo Zveze zgodovinskih društev Slovenije. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, letn. 76, št. 1/2, str. 84-126, ilustr. ISSN 0350-5774. [COBISS.SI-ID 113511683]
BENCE, Gorazd. Kuge, lakote in vojske reši nas, o Gospod! : Varašanci, cehovski obrtniki in sakralna znamenja : street exhibition, Turnišče, 24 June-31 August 2022; design Andrej Furlan [COBISS.SI-ID 113781763]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Mäzenatentum des Adels am Beispiel der Grafen von Zilli : predavanje preko spletnega portala Zoom na mednarodnem posvetovanju 1. Klagenfurter Mittelaltergespräche v organizaciji Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, 24. jun. 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 73670915]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Die monastischen und kunsthistorischen Beziehungen zwischen Gaming und den Kartausen im heutigen Slowenien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Memoria und der Herrschaftsrepräsentation der Habsburger und der Grafen von Cilli. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2021, 26, [št.] 1, str. 31-50, 189, ilustr., doi: 10.3986/ahas.26.1.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 50253571]
OTER GORENČIČ, Mija. Grofje Celjski in Velika Marijina bratovščina na Dravskem polju. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2022, 27, [št.] 1, str. 11-75, ilustr., doi: 10.3986/ahas.27.1.01. [COBISS.SI-ID 118187267]
ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC, Lilijana. Socialne vezi župnika, prošta in arhidiakona Valentina Fabrija, ambicioznega naročnika gradbenih del. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2022, 27, [št.] 1, str. 77-103, ilustr., doi: 10.3986/ahas.27.1.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 118191107]
LAVRIČ, Ana. "Respice finem!" : eshatološka motivika v umetnosti potridentinskih bratovščin na Slovenskem. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, 27, [št.] 1, str. 105-163, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.27.1.03. [COBISS.SI-ID 118191363]
GOLEC, Boris. Člani Dizmove bratovščine v polstoletju 1719–1771 – dejanski in potencialni naročniki umetnostnih del. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2022, 27, [št.] 1, str. 167-279, ilustr., doi: 10.3986/ahas.27.1.04. [COBISS.SI-ID 118197251]
SERAŽIN, Helena. Plemiško javno umetnostno naročništvo v Kopru : vloga mestnega urada prokuratorjev in nekdanjih študentov univerze v Padovi pri gradnji koprske stolnice. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, 27, [št.] 2, str. 45-79, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.27.2.03. [COBISS.SI-ID 124595203]
GOLEC, Boris. Zadnji člani Dizmove bratovščine po seznamu iz leta 1801 : dejanski in potencialni umetnostni naročniki. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, 27, [št.] 2, str. 81-145, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.27.2.04. [COBISS.SI-ID 125758723]
SERAŽIN, Helena. Cobenzl and architecture : castles and manor houses in the county of Gorizia and in Carniola. V: VIDIC, Federico, STASI, Alessio. I Cobenzl : una famiglia europea tra politica, arte e diplomazia (1508-1823). Roma: Lithos; Gorizia: Archivio di Stato, 2022. Zv. 1, str. 409-440, ilustr. ISBN 979-12-80197-52-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 129108227]
BENCE, Gorazd. Baročna sakralna znamenja v Turnišču. Stopinje. 2023, letn. 52, str. 115-118, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 137371395]
LAVRIČ, Ana. Drobec k ikonografiji velikega oltarja v šenčurski župnijski cerkvi. Umetnostna kronika. 2022, [št.] 77, str. 2-12, ilustr. ISSN 1581-7512. [COBISS.SI-ID 140205827]
ŽNIDARŠIČ GOLEC, Lilijana. Vprašanje umetnostnega naročništva pri treh dolnjeprekmurskih župnikih, ki so v poznem 17. stoletju študirali v Bologni. Acta historiae artis Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2023, 28, št. 1, str. 101-125, ilustr. ISSN 1408-0419., DOI: 10.3986/ahas.28.1.03. [COBISS.SI-ID 167238915]