Visual Representations of the Nobility: Early Modern Art Patronage in the Styria Province
Vodja projekta na ZRC
Naslov v izvirniku
Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: Naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku
(Univerza v Mariboru Filozofska fakulteta)-
ID oznaka
J6-7410 (B)
Trajanje projekta
1. januar 2016–31. december 2018 -
Povezava na SICRIS
Vodilni partner
Vodja projekta
Finančni vir
France Stele Institut of Atr History, Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian A…
Hitherto no thorough study on aristocratic representation in early modern period has been made in Slovenia and in the territory of the historical Styria. Although nobility had a crucial role in development of the province, the patterns they practiced as patrons, commissioners and collectors and their representation by means of architecture and fine art in the provincial context as well as in the context of the Habsburg Empire have not been researched comprehensively. For the purposes of innovativeness and detailed study, a significant part of this project will focus on a circle of noblemen (predominantly Counts of Attems, Gaisruck, Herberstein, Khisl, Leslie, Sauer, Princes of Eggenberg, and Maximilian Bishop Gandolf Khuenburg as representative of church aristocracy) who between the 16th and 18th century excelled with high quality and large number of ambitious commissions and with a frequent use of architecture, fine and decorative arts for representation in secular and religious context. The manners of artistic representation will be studied thoroughly as well as mechanisms of its execution, and its social role. Due to specific political, social and economic reasons, Styrian noble families that possessed estates mostly in the present-day Slovenia have not been researched comprehensively, and their surviving legacies, such as manors and art collections, are in relatively poor state of preservation. Therefore, project results will be of crucial importance also for increasing awareness of significance of cultural heritage and its preservation. Research will focus also on analysis of relations between historical events (Ottoman wars, Thirty Years' War, Reformation, Recatholisation, and a relatively peaceful 18th century), political iconography, propaganda and artistic representation, on the role of education and its effects on the activities of individual patrons and collectors, on thorough study of familiar, political, diplomatic and other international networks, relationships with role models (such as the House of Habsburg, Louis XIV of France, and other representatives of high nobility) and political circumstances. Studies will be based on archival documents (such as probate inventories, estate inventories, itineraries and records of commissioners' social status), other written sources (chronicles, historiographies, memorial and dedication texts), and visual material (prints, drawings, photographs, field documentation on the appearance of towns, mostly Graz, Maribor, Ptuj, Celje and Slovenska Bistrica, aristocratic town palaces and country residences and church institutions. Based on comparative analyses, studies will focus on the role of education, knowledge, personal devotion, social status, military and court services, practices of commissioning and collecting, manners of introducing visual representation into urban centres and landscape, as well as reception of representation, i.e. how commissioners formed or acquired certain social status and eternal memory through art. Comparative analysis will significantly contribute to pinpointing common early modern strategies of representation, specific practices of individual representatives of nobility and the role and significance of art in the lives of ambitious noblemen and noblewomen.
The project team comprises researchers of the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor and of France Stele Institute of Art History. The team will closely cooperate with the Institute of Art History of the University of Graz and other researchers who have dealt with art representation (e.g. from Vienna, Prague and several German universities). Research results will be published as scientific articles, monographs and presented to wider public by means of exhibitions, lectures, conferences, summer schools and Internet. A special attention will be dedicated to the participation of doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and students.
- Archival research work with primary sources in Slovenia and abroad, especially with probate inventories of selected families (carried out from 1. January 2016 till 31. December 2016)
- Field work and documentation of art monuments in Slovenia and abroad (carried out from 1. January 2016 till 31. December 2016)
- Research work in Slovenian libraries and abroad (carried out from 1. January 2016 till 31. December 2016)
- Study of glorifying, historiographical texts and memoirs (carried out from 1. January 2016 till 31. December 2016)
- Analyse and interpretation of collected sources and literature (carried out from 1. January 2016 till 31. December 2016)
- Organization of summer school in collaboration with Graz University with public presentation of project team's results on research into artistic commissions, patronage and aristocratic representation in pilgrim centres in Styria – carried out (Pilgrimage and art in Styria = Wallfahrt und Kunst - Pilgerwesen in der Steiermark = Romanja in umetnost na Štajerskem : International Summer School 2016, Graz and Styrian pilgrimage churches, 19.-23. September 2016)
- Preparing a part of transcriptions of the selected probate inventories to be published online (carried out in scientific papers; see Results)
- Publication of the first final results of the research (carried out; see Results)
- Exhibition on music as a part of representation in ceiling paintings commissioned by Ignaz Maria Count Attems – carried out (Imago musicae: glasba na baročnih poslikavah brežiškega gradu, Posavski muzej Brežice, 21. april-19. oktober 2016) -
- Project workshop – carried out (Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, Ljubljana, 2.-3. junij 2016) -
- Archival research work with primary sources (carried out from 1. January 2017 till 31. December 2017)
- Research work in Slovenian libraries and abroad (carried out from 1. January 2017 till 31. December 2017)
- Field work in Slovenia and abroad (carried out from 1. January 2017 till 31. December 2017)
- Analyse and interpretation of collected sources and literature (carried out from 1. January 2017 till 31. December 2017)
- Summer school in cooperation with Graz University with public presentations of results of the project group on art commissions and aristocratic representation in their town and countryside residences – carried out (Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017) -
- Publication of scientific papers (carried out; see Results)
- Participation at workshops and conferences with the presentation of results of the research conducted within the project (carried out; see Results)
- Research that will be carried out within the project will be simultaneously included in working with students at the Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor (carried out from 1. January 2017 till 31. December 2017)
- Project workshop – carried out (Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana)
- Project workshop – carried out (Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria, 15.-16. jul. 2017, Grad Slovenska Bistrica.)
- Research, analyses and interpretation of primary sources (carried out from 1. January 2018 till 31. December 2018)
- Participation at workshops and conferences with the presentation of results of the research conducted within the project – (carried out; see Results)
- Exhibition of the role of fine art and architecture in the representation of Ignaz Maria Attems – carried out (Štajerski Herkul. Po sledeh freskantskih naročil Ignaca Marije grofa Attemsa, Grad Slovenska Bistrica, 15. junij-31. december 2017) -
- Project workshop – carried out (Strategije plemiške reprezentacije v zgodnjem novem veku = Strategien adeliger Repräsentation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Ljubljana, 11. maj 2018)
- International conference on aristocratic representation – carried out (Umetniki in naročniki: Frančišek Karel Remb in štajersko slikarstvo okrog 1700 = Maler und Auftraggeber: Franz Carl Remp und die Malerei in der Steiermark um 1700, 24.-24. November 2018, Laterneng'wölb, Schloss Eggenberg) -
- Scientific monograph on art representation of the Leslie familiy – in progress
- Scientific monograph on art representation of the Herberstein family – in progress
- Monograph on portraits of the bishops of Lavant – in progress
- Collection of scientific papers of the members of the project group – in progress
Articles in scientific journals and scientific monographs
KOŠAK, Tina. Early modern picture collections of the Counts of Herberstein : the legacies of Erasmus Friedrich Count of Herberstein, Johann Ernst I and Johann Ernst II Count of Herberstein. V: HOBELLEITNER, Franz (ur.), LEIN, Edgar (ur.). Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität : Kunst in der Steiermark vom Mittelalter bis 1918. Graz: Unipress. cop. 2016, str. 209-235, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40514349]
LAZARINI, Franci. Klemen grof Brandis - politik in umetnostni naročnik. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2016, 21, [št.] 1, str. 75-91, 193, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40793133]
LAZARINI, Franci (avtor, fotograf). Dr. Michael Napotnik, Fürstbischof von Lavant, und die Architektur des 19. Jahrhunderts in der Steiermark. V: HOBELLEITNER, Franz (ur.), LEIN, Edgar (ur.). Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität : Kunst in der Steiermark vom Mittelalter bis 1918. Graz: Unipress. cop. 2016, str. 237-251, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40514861]
MARTELANC, Tanja. Die Kapuziner in der ehemaligen steirischen Kapuzinerprovinz und ihre Förderer : der Kapuzinerorden in der Zeit der Gegenreformation und Rekatholisierung. V: HOBELLEITNER, Franz (ur.), LEIN, Edgar (ur.). Auftraggeber als Träger der Landesidentität : Kunst in der Steiermark vom Mittelalter bis 1918. Graz: Unipress. cop. 2016, str. 99-119, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40915245]
VIDMAR, Polona. Slike in slikane tapete naročnika Janeza Karla grofa Gaisrucka za dvorec Novo Celje. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2016, 21, [št.] 1, str. 39-73, 194, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40792877]
VIDMAR, Polona. Cerkev Svete trojice v Slovenskih goricah in njeni donatorji : Stubenbergi, Trauttmansdorffi, Khisli, čudodelna podoba in motiv calcatio. Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino. Nova vrsta, ISSN 0351-224X. [Tiskana izd.], 2016, 52, str. 85-117, 320, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 516211071]
VIDMAR, Polona. Laurel or cypresses. Ottoman battles on the ceiling of the Maribor castle hall. V: Srečanja dveh svetov = The meeting of two worlds : the collected volume of the symposium 15. and 16. 10. 2015, (Zbirka Museoeurope, 2). Maribor: Pokrajinski muzej: = Regional Museum, 2016, str. 66-77, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 22879240]
Papers on conferences
BENCE, Gorazd. Die Filialkirche des hl. Jodokus über der Dreta und die Grafen von Cilli : predavanje na delavnici Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, 2.-3. jun. 2016, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 40515629]
CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta. Painting as a diplomatic gift and its copy at the Castle Gallery. V: DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), MAGAŠ BILANDŽIĆ, Lovorka (ur.), MIKLOŠEVIĆ, Željka (ur.). Art and politics in Europe in the modern period : programme and book of abstracts : 29 June 2016 - 2 July 2016, Zagreb, Croatia : Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, International Conference Art and Politics in Europe in the Modern Period, 29 June 2016 - 2 July 2016, Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. 2016, str. 117-118. [COBISS.SI-ID 22833160]
CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta. Franz Ignaz Count of Inzaghi (1691-1768) : Ptuj Parish priest and dean : predavanje na posvetu Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, Ljubljana, 2.-3. junij 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 22798088]
KOŠAK, Tina. The Counts of Herberstein and the commissions for the churches of St. Rupert and St. Leonard in Slovenske gorice : predavanje na delavnici "Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene", 2.-3. jun. 2016, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 40515885]
KOŠAK, Tina. Conquering new art markets : international art dealers and local "agents" in inner Austria in the second half of the 17th century : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "The Art Market, Collectors and Agents: Then and Now", Paris, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (Salle Vasari), 21. okt. 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 40450605]
LAZARINI, Franci. Klemens grof Brandis - politik in naročnik : predavanje na slavnostni akademiji ob sedemdesetletnici umetnostnega zgodovinarja dr. Damjana Prelovška, 9. mar. 2016, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 39637805]
MUROVEC, Barbara. Ignaz Maria Graf von Attems und die sakrale Deckenmalerei in der Steiermark : predavanje na delavnici Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, 2.-3. jun. 2016, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 40515373]
VIDMAR, Polona. Naročniki in meceni = Auftraggeber und Mäzene : predavanje na posvetu Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, Ljubljana, 2.-3. junij 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 22419976]
VIDMAR, Polona. Die Stiftungen der Grafen von Leslie für die Wallfahrtskirche "Klein-Mariazell" : predavanje na posvetu Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, Ljubljana, 2.-3. junij 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 22420488]
KOKOLE, Metoda, MUROVEC, Barbara, KOKOLE, Stanko. Imago musicae : glasba na baročnih poslikavah brežiškega gradu : postavitev medinstitucionalne občasne razstave, Galerija Posavskega muzeja Brežice, 21. apr. - 19. okt. 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 39790893]
Papers on international summer school
BENCE, Gorazd. The Cult of St. Erhard in Breitenau : predavanje na International Summer School 2016 "Pilgrimage and Art in Styria" = Romanja in umetnost na Štajerskem, Graz and Styrian pilgrimage churches, 19.-23. Sept. 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 40515117]
VIDMAR, Polona. The counts of Leslie and Pernegg : lecture at the International Summer School 2016 "Pilgrimage and art in Styria", Graz and Styrian pilgrimage churches, 19.-23. September 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 22679304]
Articles in scientific journals and scientific monographs
KOŠAK, Tina. Pricing paintings in Inner Austrian inventories between the mid-17th and mid-18th century : results of preliminary research. V: TACKE, Andreas (ur.), et al. Kunstmärkte zwischen Stadt und Hof : Prozesse der Preisbildung in der europäischen Vormoderne. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag. cop. 2017, str. 102-119, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40805165]
VIDMAR, Polona. Tapiserije v dvorcu Premstätten in njihovi naročniki. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, ISSN 1408-0419. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, 22, [št.] 2, str. 21-59, 167-168, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 42498349]
VIDMAR, Polona. Kruci in Turki za Karla Jožefa grofa Gaisrucka v dvorcu Jelše. V: JERŠE, Sašo (ur.). Leukhup! : kmečko uporništvo v obdobju predmoderne : zgodovina, vzporednice, (re)prezentacije : [znanstvena monografija]. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica: Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa ZRC SAZU; Brežice: Posavski muzej. 2017, str. 175-195, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 23699720]
Papers on conferences
CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta. Tapestries from the legacy of the Leslie family : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria, 15.-16. jul. 2017, Grad Slovenska Bistrica. [COBISS.SI-ID 23557128]
CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta. Tapiserije na ptujskem gradu iz posesti rodbine Leslie : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41678637]
KOŠAK, Tina. Slikarska zbirka Maksimilijana Žige grofa Herbersteina (1655-1703) : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41678125]
KOŠAK, Tina. Paintings in the residences of Maximilian Siegmund Count Herberstein-Pusterwald (1655-1703) : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria, 15.-16. jul. 2017, Grad Slovenska Bistrica. [COBISS.SI-ID 41844013]
LAZARINI, Franci. Grofje Brandis kot arhitekturni naročniki na Štajerskem : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41677357]
LAZARINI, Franci. Clemens und Heinrich Adam Grafen von Brandis als Auftraggeber : predavanje na delavnici Sakralna umetnost na Štajerskem: naročniki in meceni = Sakrale Kunst in der Steiermark: Auftraggeber und Mäzene, 2.-3. jun. 2016, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 40516141]
KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. Doslej neznane slike iz posesti grofov Attems v slovenskih javnih zbirkah in metodologija raziskovanja njihove provenience : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41678381]
KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. Paintings originating from the Attems collection in Slovenian public collections and the methodology of their provenance research : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria, 15.-16. jul. 2017, Grad Slovenska Bistrica. [COBISS.SI-ID 41844269]
MUROVEC, Barbara. Ignac Marija grof Attems kot naročnik baročnih poslikav : odprta raziskovalna vprašanja : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41677613]
MUROVEC, Barbara. Ignaz Maria Graf von Attems als Auftraggeber der Fresken in seinen Schlössern : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria, 15.-16. jul. 2017, Grad Slovenska Bistrica. [COBISS.SI-ID 41844525]
SERAŽIN, Helena. Arhitekturno naročništvo rodbine Thurn Valsassina : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41677101]
VIDMAR, Polona. Naročnik tapiserij iz dvorca Premstätten : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41678893]
VIDMAR, Polona. Umetnostni naročniki na Štajerskem kot raziskovalni problem : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Umetnostna reprezentacija plemstva: naročništvo na Štajerskem v zgodnjem novem veku, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja ZRC SAZU, 26. maj 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 41676845
VIDMAR, Polona. Johann Balthasar Graf von Wagensberg und die Tapisserien aus dem Schloss Premstätten : predavanje v okviru projektne delavnice Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Architecture and Interior Decoration of Aristocratic Residences in Styria, 15.-16. jul. 2017, Grad Slovenska Bistrica. [COBISS.SI-ID 23594248]
VIDMAR, Polona. Hodie mihi, cras tibi - protestantski nagrobniki iz Betnave : predavanje na ciklu predavanj Muzejski večeri - reformacija in Maribor, 28. september 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 23594760]
VIDMAR, Polona. Umetnostna naročila štajerskega plemstva kot raziskovalni izziv : predavanje na Slavnostni akademiji in raziskovalnem dnevu ob 70. obletnici ustanovitve Sekcije za umetnostno zgodovino, predhodnice Umetnostnozgodovinskega inštituta Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU "Scientia et ars perennes", Prešernova dvorana SAZU, 12. dec. 2017, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 42446125]
MUROVEC, Barbara. I. M. ATTEMS: Hercules Stiriae - Štajerski Herkul = Hercules of Styria : razstava in umetnostna pot = exhibition and art trail : Grad Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenska Bistrica 15. jun. - 31. dec. 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 3765358]
Papers on international summer school
CIGLENEČKI, Marjeta. The Leslies' tapestries in Ptuj Castle : predavanje na International Summer School 2017, Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017, Graz and castles in Styria. [COBISS.SI-ID 42175021]
KOŠAK, Tina. The Herberstein Portrait Gallery in Hrastovec Castle : its formation and structure : predavanje na International Summer School 2017, Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017, Graz and castles in Styria. [COBISS.SI-ID 42175277]
KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. The furnishings of Dornava Manor before and after the World War II : predavanje na International Summer School 2017, Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017, Graz and castles in Styria. [COBISS.SI-ID 42174765]
MUROVEC, Barbara. Ignaz Maria Count of Attems as architect and Hercules : painted representation of generosity and glory : predavanje na International Summer School 2017, Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017, Graz and castles in Styria. [COBISS.SI-ID 42174509]
VIDMAR, Polona. Battle scenes in the ceiling of the Great Hall of Maribor Castle : predavanje na International Summer School 2017, Architecture and the interior decoration of aristocratic residences in Styria = Architektur und Ausstattung von Adelsresidenzen in der Steiermark = Arhitektura in oprema plemiških rezidenc na Štajerskem, 25 - 29 September 2017, Graz and castles in Styria. [COBISS.SI-ID 42175789]
Articles in scientific journals and scientific monographs
KOŠAK, Tina. Slikarska zbirka v dvorcu Betnava. V: LAZARINI, Franci (ur.), PREINFALK, Miha (ur.). Dvorec Betnava, (Castellologica Slovenica, ISSN 2591-2569, 1). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2018, str. 289-321, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 43242029]
LAVRIČ, Ana. Umetnostna dejavnost v konjiški župniji pod župnikom Sebastijanom Glavinićem de Glamoč. Kronika : časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino, ISSN 0023-4923, 2018, letn. 66, št. 1, str. 43-68, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 516309631]
VIDMAR, Polona (avtor, fotograf). Protestantski nagrobniki z betnavskega pokopališča. V: LAZARINI, Franci (ur.), PREINFALK, Miha (ur.). Dvorec Betnava, (Castellologica Slovenica, ISSN 2591-2569, 1). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2018, str. 323-356, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 43242285]
Papers on conferences
KOŠAK, Tina. The Herberstein Portrait Galleries in Herberstein and Hrastovec Castle : formation and sitters : predavanje na Mednarodnem znanstvenem kolokviju Strategije plemiške reprezentacije v zgodnjem novem veku = Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Strategien adeliger Repräsentation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Ljubljana, 11. maj 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 43063341]
KOŠAK, Tina. The Forchondt art dealers and their Styrian clients : excerpts from the Antwerp City Archives : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci Slikarji in naročniki: Frančišek Karel Remb in slikarstvo na Štajerskem okrog 1700 = Maler und Auftraggeber; Franz Cark Remp und die Malerei in der Steiermark um 1700 = Painter and Patrons: Franz Carl Remp and Painting in Styria around 1700, 23. nov. 2018, Laterneng'wölb, Schloss Eggenberg. [COBISS.SI-ID 43933997]
KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. Portrait of Eleonora Maria Rosalia Princess of Eggenberg in the National Gallery of Ljubljana and other portraits of the House of Eggenberg : predavanje na Mednarodnem znanstvenem kolokviju Strategije plemiške reprezentacije v zgodnjem novem veku = Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Strategien adeliger Repräsentation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Ljubljana, 11. maj 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 43063597]
KOMIĆ MARN, Renata. The portraits of Eleonora Maria Rosalia Princess of Eggenberg : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci Slikarji in naročniki: Frančišek Karel Remb in slikarstvo na Štajerskem okrog 1700 = Maler und Auftraggeber; Franz Cark Remp und die Malerei in der Steiermark um 1700 = Painter and Patrons: Franz Carl Remp and Painting in Styria around 1700, 23. nov. 2018, Laterneng'wölb, Schloss Eggenberg. [COBISS.SI-ID 43934253]
MUROVEC, Barbara. Frescoed religion : Inner Austrian monuments and the confessional conflict around 1600. V: BATELJA, Petra (ur.). The power of media : patronage, representation and propaganda in the early modern period (1450-1800) between the Mediterranean and Central Europe : international conference, Split, 13-15 June 2018. Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti. [2018], str. 35-36. [COBISS.SI-ID 43191085]
MUROVEC, Barbara. Das Familienporträt von Ignaz Maria Graf Attems im Schloss Brežice (Rann) : predavanje na Mednarodnem znanstvenem kolokviju Strategije plemiške reprezentacije v zgodnjem novem veku = Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Strategien adeliger Repräsentation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Ljubljana, 11. maj 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 43063853]
VIDMAR, Polona. The representation and memoria of a diplomat : illustrations in Sigmund von Herberstein's autobiographic works. V: BATELJA, Petra (ur.). The power of media : patronage, representation and propaganda in the early modern period (1450-1800) between the Mediterranean and Central Europe : international conference, Split, 13-15 June 2018. Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti. [2018], str. 54-55. [COBISS.SI-ID 24188168]
VIDMAR, Polona. Od Cheba do Visoke Porte : podobe Valterja grofa Leslieja. V: KOČEVAR, Vanja (ur.), PREINFALK, Miha (ur.). Tridesetletna vojna in slovenski etnični prostor v prvi polovici 17. stoletja : znanstveni posvet, [23. in 24. maj 2018, Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2, Ljubljana] : program in povzetki referatov. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa. 2018, str. 28-29. [COBISS.SI-ID 43205933]
VIDMAR, Polona. Drei Porträts der Habsburger in Maribor : predavanje na Mednarodnem znanstvenem kolokviju Strategije plemiške reprezentacije v zgodnjem novem veku = Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Strategien adeliger Repräsentation in der Frühen Neuzeit, Ljubljana, 11. maj 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 43063085]
VIDMAR, Polona. Gemalte Genealogien des steirischen Adels um 1700 : Vortrag an der Internationale Tagung Maler und Auftraggeber Franz Carl Remp und die Malerei in der Steiermark um 1700, 24.-24. November 2018, Laterneng'wölb, Schloss Eggenberg. [COBISS.SI-ID 24187144]