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Polona Vidmar, PhD
Senior Research Associate (part-time), Professor

+386(0)2 22 93 871


Research interests:  

medieval sculpture, art around 1400, artistic patronage, Ottomans in Central European art, art in the regions of Ptuj and Maribor.


University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Art History

Research projects: (COBISS)

Polona VIDMAR, Die Herren von Pettau als Bauherren und Mäzene, Graz 2006 (Reihe Habilitationen, Dissertationen und Diplomarbeiten herausgegegeben von der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Bd. 6).

Polona VIDMAR, Ustanovitev Marijine cerkve in beneficijev na Ptujski Gori, Studia Historica Slovenica, 7/3–4, pp. 819–856.

Polona VIDMAR, Nagrobnik Friderika IX. Ptujskega ter njegova gotska in baročna recepcija, Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 14, 2009, pp. 21–40.

Polona VIDMAR, A Series of Portraits from the Bequest of the Counts of Carli at Poreč/Parenzo and Pictorial Representations of Central European Envoys to the Ottoman Court, Annales. Series historia et sociologia, 2010, 20/2, pp. 331–348.

Polona VIDMAR, La Galerie des Femmes Fortes. Paintings of Virtuous Women in the Castles in Český Krumlov and Vurberk, Umění (Praha), 2011, 59/3–4, pp. 237–255.