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Umetnostna dediščina plemstva v času njegovega zatona. Transformacije, prenosi, reinterpretacije.

Edited by: Tina Košak
Year: 2023

This collective comprises eight studies by seven authors who – interlacing the fields of art history, history and architecture, and based on eight case studies – tackle the question of how the decline of the nobility after mid-18th century and its abolition after the dissolution of the Habsburg monarchy influenced their artistic patronage and collecting, and the transfers, reinterpretations and new uses of aristocratic artistic heritage. The contributions introduce new findings on renovations of castle, commissions of castle furnishings, architectural features of new country houses and their furnishing in the 19th and early 20th centuries, collecting practices in the mid-18th and the early 19th century, their subsequent dispersal as well as their confiscations and musealisation. The studies significantly emphasise the borderline territories and exceed the Slovenian context, by taking as the point of origin the key global social and political historical events and circumstances between 1789 and 1945 and tackling their influence on aristocratic heritage in the wider European perspective.

Table of content

Umetnostna dediščina plemstva v času njegovega zatona: predgovor

Igor Sapač: Od Paldijevske vile užitkov do lovske residence trgovcev s kavo. Dvorec Črnci in njegov umetnostnozgodovinski pomen

From a Palladian Lustschloss to the Coffee Merchants’ Hunting Lodge. Črnci (Freudenau) Manor near Apače and its Art-historical Significance

Polona Vidmar: Štukature v dvorcu Novo Celje

Stucco Decoration in Novo Celje Manor

Tina Košak: Zbirka grofov Cobenzl v dvorcu Lože pri Vipavi. Od snovanja do popisovanja

The Collection of the Counts of Cobenzl in Lože Manor near Vipava. From Conception to Inventory

Miha Preinfalk: Jožef Kalasanc baron Erberg in njegove zbirke v luči novoodkritih virov

Josef Kalasanc Baron Erberg and his Collections in Light of the Newly Discovered Archival Sources

Renata Komič Marn: Za slavo dežele in spomin rodbine. Portreti v zbirkah Jožefa Kalasanca barona Erberga v Dolu pri Ljubljani

For the Glory of the Province and the Family’s Memory. Josef Kalasanc Baron Erbererg’s Portrait Collections in Dol pri Ljubljani

Igor Sapač: Med gradom svetega Jurija, vilo Grimaud-d’Orsay in graščino Pa(c)hta. Izzvenevanje kulture plemiških dvorcev na Slovenskem na prehodu iz 19. v 20. stoletje

Between St Georg Castle, Villa Grimaud-D’Orsay and Pa(chat) Manor. The Dwindling Culture of Aristocratic Manors in Slovenia at the Turn of the 20th Century

Matjaž Grahornik: Knjižna in umetnostna zapuščina grofov Zabeo v dvorcu Fala

Books and Artworks from the Legacy of the Counts of Zabeo in Fala Manor

Franci Lazarini: Od degradacije do revitalizacije. Ljubljanski grad v 19. in 20. stoletju

From Degradation to Revitalisation. Ljubljana Castle in the 19th and 20th Centuries


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79.00 €

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art history
collective volume
cultural history
manor houses


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