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Art in Slovenia at a Cultural Crossroads

Edited by: Mija Oter Gorenčič, Barbara Vodopivec
Year: 2022

The collective volume contains translations of fifteen original scientific papers published by the members of the research programme Umetnost na Slovenskem v stičišču kultur ('Art in Slovenia at a Cultural Crossroads'), formerly titled Slovenska umetnostna identiteta v evropskem okviru ('Slovenian Artistic Identity in the European Context'). Each of the contributions represents a step forward in its own way – whether by raising new research questions, introducing novel methodological approaches, presenting fresh comparative perspectives, or introducing new transnational and interdisciplinary dimensions to the interpretation of fine arts and architecture. Geographically, the research covers the entire Slovenian territory and spans from the Middle Ages to contemporary art. It makes use of the approaches from the fields of art history, architectural, cultural, social, political, and general history, as well as archaeology, theology, sociology of culture, and anthropology of the visual arts. Art monuments are analysed in the context of the broader socio-political circumstances and their impact on the visual arts, which also allows for their improved evaluation and represents an important contribution to a more effective art heritage protection. This publication is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the independent institute now called the France Stele Institute of Art History of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Table of content

Mija Oter Gorenčič, Barbara Vodopivec: Art in Slovenia at a Cultural Crossroads. Introduction

Gorazd Bence: /…/ die für uns bitten sollen heimlich und offentlich /…/. The Tympanum of the Counts of Celje and its Memorial Aspect

Mija Oter Gorenčič: The Imperial Chivalric Order of Saint George and the Auerspergs. Artwork Interpretation by Combining Various Methodological Approaches

Renata Komić Marn: Portrayal of the Pilgrim Fox in the Church of St Ulrich in Maršiči in the European Context. Iconographic, Visual, and Historical Sources

Ana Lavrič: Major Marian Confraternities in Slovenia. Iconography of Confraternities under the Protection of Mendicant Orders

Polona Vidmar: Family Tree of the House of Auersperg of Turjak and Other Family Trees Created by Genealogist and Historiographer Dominik Franz Calin von Marienberg for Members of Court Nobility

Helena Seražin: The Forgotten Altar of Baldassare Longhena in San Giovanni Crisostomo Church in Venice

Tina Košak: The Picture Collection of the Counts of Brandis in Betnava Manor

Blaž Resman: The High Altar in Dobrova

Simona Kostanjšek Brglez: Sculptor, Gilder and Restorer Ivan Sojč. His Life and Work since the Start of his Independent Career

Franci Lazarini: The Architect’s Wonderful Dream of Our Pantheon. Plečnik’s Unrealised Plans for a Solemn Cemetery of Distinguished Slovenians

Anja Iskra: Visual Art in Maribor during the German Occupation 1941–1945

Katarina Mohar: Nazi Looting of the Upper Carniolan Artistic Heritage during World War II and the Case of the Altars from the Church of St Lucia in Dražgoše

Barbara Vodopivec: Restitution of Cultural Heritage Objects from Austria to Yugoslavia after 1945

Andreja Rakovec: Monuments of Notable Persons in Maribor. The Roles of Commissioners and Artists in the Second Half of the Twentieth and the Early Twenty-First Century

Marjeta Ciglenečki: Forma Viva Maribor 1967–1986


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artistic motives
collective volume
cultural history
literary motives


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