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Acta historiae artis Slovenica 17/1

Edited by: Blaž Resman
Year: 2012

Table of content

CONTRIBUTORS: ahas_17_1_contributors.pdf

ABSTRACTS: ahas_17_1_abstracts.pdf


Tina Košak, Saivejeva Alegorija pomladi med Gradcem, Dunajem in Ormožem • Saive’s Allegory of Spring between
Graz, Vienna and Ormož

Ana Lavrič, Oprema cerkve in samostana bosonogih avguštincev v Ljubljani • The Furnishings of the Church and
Monastery of the Discalced Augustinians in Ljubljana

Barbara Murovec, Teologija podobe. O treh Flurerjevih oltarnih slikah v cerkvi sv. Petra v Malečniku • Theology of
Image. On Three Altar Paintings by Franz Ignaz Flurer in the Church of St. Peter in Malečnik

Tina Potočnik, Izgradnja Mengša v času socializma • The Development of Mengeš in the Socialist Period

Mojca Marjana Kovač, Sodnijska palača v Piranu. Preoblikovanje kompleksa fontika, zastavljalnice in mestnih vrat
sv. Jurija v 19. stoletju • The Court Palace in Piran. The 19th Century Reorganization of the Fontico, Pawnshop
and St. George Town Gate Complex

Franci Lazarini, Poznohistoristična cerkvena arhitektura in oprema na slovenskem Štajerskem v luči dveh sinod
lavantinske škofije (1900 in 1911) • Late Historicist Church Architecture and Furnishings in Slovenian Styria from
the Perspective of Two Synods of the Lavantine Diocese (1900 and 1911)

Milan Popadić, Muzej kao epizoda. Muzej savremene umetnosti u Beogradu (1929–1935) • The Museum as Episode.
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade (1929–1935) • Muzej kot epizoda. Muzej sodobne umetnosti v
Beogradu (1929–1935)

Gašper Cerkovnik, Freske Mojstra Bolfganga iz leta 1453 v romarski cerkvi v Crngrobu. Okoliščine njihovega odkrivanja
leta 1935 in njihova usoda • Frescoes by Master Bolfgangus Dating from 1453 in Crngrob Pilgrim Church. Their
Uncovering in 1935 and Their Destiny

Andrej Smrekar, Mušičeva »španska« korespondenca v Narodni galeriji • Zoran Mušič’s ‘Spanish’ Correspondence in
the National Gallery of Slovenia


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