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Art for the Community: Artworks Commissioned for Public Institutions, 1945–1989

international conference

Basic information

September 26, 2024 at 09:00 to September 27, 2024 at 17:00
Atrij ZRC

We kindly invite you to attend a two-day international conference on artworks commissioned for public institutions during the period 1945-1989. The conference will feature over 20 presentations from experts addressing the topic from various perspectives, focusing on individual artists, specific artworks, the evolution and commissioning process, conservation issues, and more. Presentations will cover a broad range of art, from works created for swimming halls and power plants, to tapestries intended to decorate ships and fashion boutiques.


Join us on September 26th and 27th at Atrij ZRC (Novi trg 2, Ljubljana)

The working language of the conference in English.


Book of abstracts: PROGRAMSKA_UM_ZA_SKUPNOST_WEB.pdf


The conference is funded by the Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation Activities of the Republic of Slovenia (ARIS) within research project Art for the Community: Artworks Commissioned for Public Institutions, 1945–1989 (J6-50206) and research programmes Art in Slovenia at a Cultural Crossroads (P6-0061) and Basic Research on Slovenian Cultural Past (P6-0052).

